Can some kind soul please tell me where I can set the cloud height?
Please have a look here:
At the cloud height icon it shows 12m. The height here is 342m.
Where can I adjust that value please?
Thank you kindly.
Can some kind soul please tell me where I can set the cloud height?
Please have a look here:
At the cloud height icon it shows 12m. The height here is 342m.
Where can I adjust that value please?
Thank you kindly.
Check out this thread.
Thanks mate.
“also have you set your stations altitude in the units setup?”
Is there any option to set the height in WD? I set the correct height at the station’s setup (Vantage Pro2).
Great!!! Thanks mate!
Oh well…I set the values correctly (from 36ft to 1122ft) but still no change. I saved, exit, restart…same same…
What am I missing please?
I just realized the cloudheigth.gif of my other station at my other home shows the same:
Weird, no?
Is there a bug somewhere?
How to contact the boss these days? Is he retired in Marmite land already?
Same as always: [email protected]
Have you got the same height in sun/moon setup
You’ve got me looking at mine now and it shows clear Ballaugh Weather - Home but the clientraw show 712ft (Ballaugh Weather - Your Station Clientraw All Files) as does testtags https://www.hc-iom.co.uk/weather/testtags.php?sce=view which suggests the cloud-base.php is looking at the wrong thing
Do you have the correct values on lines 197 and 199 of cloud-base.php
If line 186 is set to false in cloud-base.php then that means the the metar is use to get cloud info try changing to true to use WD
Thanks mate.
Mmmhhh, I can’t find that file anywhere. I did a search and looked through all folders…nada
I think you are talking about the .gif that WD uploads to your website?
If so, I’m sorry to have to tell you that mine seems to be working fine (except for the overlapping text!) when I check in View > Weather Dials, even in my client WD:
Very strange. I’ll maybe see if I can get the gif uploaded so I can check on the WD web page.
You might have to ask Brian. . .
Ok, I did so…thanks mate
Hi guys,
Unfortunately Brian is not answering.
The WD program does not produce the cloudheight.gif, that’s the problem.
The indexdial.gif shows the correct cloudheight, the cloudheight.gif does not show the correct value and is not created.
It is in the indexdial implemented correctly
Any other idea please?
Thank you kindly.
The file is located in the webfiles folder is the modified time date on it changing if not then file may be locked try deleting it and see if it is created again