What files should be moved to allow historical datat to be kept?

Gidday guys,

As some of you know I have just “procured” a new machine for WD…

I have downloaded a new version of WD and installed it and it is working well…which files do I need to copy to maintain my historical data on the new machine from my old PC? Is it just the datafiles folder?

Cheers lads… (in advance!) :smiley:

I would include the wdisplay.ini file.

How do i install onto another PC?.
Copy the data files, log files, and web files folders across, then also wdisplay.ini from c:\winnt or c:\windows and export/import wdisplayftp.ini from the registry. (Look here! Weather Display - the Weather Station software ) and send me the new code shown in the “Register” menu.