My station has not updated since 9:30 this morning but Weather Underground is 3 minutes old? Anyone else seeing this slowness? I thought the new site was supposed to take care of this?
some of the problems with the data being up to date were wd problems i discovered
please use 10.14g or later to fix that
Hum … I only see 10.14f available? Is 10.14g just not out yet?
well, i dont even know my alphabet
i meant what letter came before f
again, you have made me look silly greg
Please see my other thread.
I wrote them directly and I am now on line, twice once with the CW0005 and the other the local . They did some changes on their system, something if it doesn’t receive the packets for x hours it shuts it off.
Write them directly.
Greg Potter
[email protected]
I have written Greg but I’m getting no replies at all. I guess I made him mad as well Another big problem for me is there are about 4 different stations in Huntsville and all of the circles over print one another. Wouldn’t you know mine is on the bottom.
same here with the dang circles. they are stacked up like planes at the airport on each other.
well all you could do is switch him off, its easy enough. I wish I could do that with every one who irritates me.
Mine started out at midnight, then stopped at 2:50, yet I’m still transmitting data. Running with the ‘f’ version of WD as that should
be ok for them.
i did see a message from greg that they are going to add in zoom in ability
so you will have to wait for that to get implemented i guess
That zoom functionality would be nice.
Just got an e-mail and replied back to Gregg along with my two files as he wants to look at them to make sure they’re ok. He indicated that I use the latest version, which I’m up to the “F” version now as that is the latest I see on the download page.
Will let ya know what he tells me about the two files. I’m transmitting ok to him as I watched it go into their system a few times.
I just look into the il-elgin.txt and anythingweather.txt files and the il-elgin file looks good, however, the anythingweather.txt files stopped showing data at 2:50 this a.m. which is what Anythingweather is showing my last update.
Any clues on this?
Update: I just downloaded the zipped file 10.14F, and it is also NOT updating the anythingweather.txt file. I’ve even renamed the file thinking it would re-create and it doesn’t. I’ve also rebooted the system just incase a dll got hung up somewhere and that didn’t help either.
it now no longer updates the anythingweather.txt file
the file that is updated and sent to them is your registered name
well that is what is supposed to now happen
but, just checking the code, dang, of the ftp program, its wanting to send the anythingweather.txt file
i will update with that fix now
is the fix
(unzip to where you have wd installed)
sorry about that!
uploading 10.14g with that new ftp version incorporated now
Tks for the info… Guess me renaming the file prevented it from being sent anyways.
I’ll pass that info onto Gregg if he should ask.
Something very strange here. My last upload to them was at 3:01 AM, sending the new file, then I downloaded the full blown version of 10.14G and that’s it. No more uploads to anythingweather since then. So I’ve unzipped the ftpupd.exe file again and at its scheduled time to send, nothing went out to them. Getting pretty strange with this fix at the moment.
Anythingweather is NOT being uploaded at all now by the normal methods. I can force it to upload by going into setup and Anythingweather and using the Test Upload and it does it with the proper file.
This is using the ftpupd.exe file you had in the ZIP file. I’ve watched it now for the past hour and I have AW at 10 minute intervals and it won’t upload it. AW is setup correctly as well.
i just tested a auto send with the ftp version thats included in the latest version of wd, 10.14g
and it worked oK
so try that download of wd
should be ok
(something must have gone wrong with the update/upload of hte zip version of the ftp
Sorry to say
we aren’t in sync with the ftp program I guess. I downloaded again the 10.14G and even deleted the ftpupd.exe file that was there before installing this version so the new one from the full version would be in place.
Still no upload to AW, have been doing it manually every so often since the entire data file is being resent.
Can you zip up your ftpupd.exe and e-mail it to me? I willing to try anything at this point.
Another thing I noticed during the 2:30 update today, just becuase hamweather rejected the signon, the entire upload aborted so I didn’t get a full update even to my site. I forced one after I saw that error. Is that supposed to happen, I thought if even a site was down for whatever, the program would continue on instead of aborting abruptly.
10.14h beta is uploading at the moment
and it should upload the file that is your anythingweather ID name
i have to head out now, fertiliser arriving for the farm