Weekend well spend - Stevenson screen

After reading a lot on this board I thought that I would try to build a Stevenson screen. I had a lot of different leftover building materials lying in my garage and two days of work ended like this image1.
I then started to think about some sort of cooling. An old kitchen shelf was halved and became a frame for two solar panels image2 I had in my old garden lamps and a mount for an old PC fan image3

And the final result is looking like this image4.
My termo/hygro sensor is mounted inside with heavy duty wire.
Now I just have to wait for the sun start shining again.
Total cost less than

looks very nice, well done :slight_smile:

Very nicely done. 8)

Awesome! I just posted a picture of a design that I was thinking of building which is not too dissimilar to your. http://discourse.weather-watch.com/t/40519

I built my own Stephenson Screen, too. However, I’m not very good with my hands and thought louvres would be a bit much. I tried kitchen cabinet stores for ready made ones, but it seems that louvres are not in fashion in Oz anymore. So, I built it out of inverted flower pot bases with the centre cut out – see attachment. That way, no one would know how crap I am at cutting things as the holes are inside. Anyway it works a treat. I’m wrapped. It has two bases at the top without holes for extra insulation.

Incidentally, in the photo, the Stephenson Screen looks like it’s at ground level. Actually, it’s not – it’s on an embankment and is actually about 1.5 metres from the ground at the base. That’s a rain gauge on top.

I had only one problem with setting it up and that was finding a paint that sticks to plastic. However, my local hardware store came good and sold me a spray can that, according to the advertising blurb, sticks to anything. It certainly sticks to plastic (and my thumb nail – took two weeks to wear off).

An ongoing problem is birds. Sometimes they perch on top of the rain gauge. By itself that doesn’t matter. However, it they fight there, it causes the bucket to tip and record a millimetre or so of rainfall. Anyone any suggestions as to how I might solve this one without affecting the gauge’s function?

