All my Reolink outdoor webcams generate mp4 files. I cannot figure out how to get these into WD. Any ideas?
I don’t use reolink but did you see this?
Do you want to get them into WD or display on a webpage? I display my Reolink camera on my webpage as a static image, timelapse, and live (via YouTube) and archive the mp4 files using IPTimelapse software ( IPTimelapse – Timelapse and Streaming software for Windows).
Image: Willowsford Farm - Weather Cam (
Timelapse: Willowsford Farm - Weather Cam (
Live: Willowsford Farm - WxCam Live (
Oct 23 Archive: Willowsford Farm - WxCam Archive (
Thank you very much for this reply. I am actually trying to do both. I wanted to get the images into WD first, then create a web site later. Your answer for both is spot on and the web site really good looking to boot. Your “About” page is very helpful on the details too! I may have some mor questions later, but this should get me started.
My network setup is similar to yours. I have four routers in a mesh setup (Asus) and a 16 port switch (among others) in the middle. My Davis station is wired, but that’s just because I have a preference for wired connections. I have 8 Reolink (all wired POE) cameras and a killer Internet connection (symmetrical gigabit fiber). The in house backbone is gig also.
I’m glad you found my info helpful. That’s what these community forums are for!
I initially tried to get my single camera to work with WD but was unsuccessful. Not sure what I was doing wrong and after I found forum members describing IPTimelapse I decided to give that a try and it’s worked well for about 18 months.
Maybe someone else could give you tips for WD. You could also look on the “other” forum, ( - Index) for the WD solution.
I’ve got Verizon Gig service, which is probably way more that I need, but it is nice to have all that speed.