Hi All,
My learning with the webcam images continues, and I’m generating what I expect to generate with one exception.
The file(s) are the timestamped animated images - – hhmmanimatedwebcam.gif
The timestamped images - hhmmwebcamimage.gif, all seem to be the same size and format, I’ve gone thru a good sampling of the images and checked the properties and they seem to be the 320x240 size I have setup.
The hhmmanimatedwebcam.gif images are of differing sizes however. There is at least one large one - as in 399x344, (not 320x240) and it does not contain my ‘overlay’ / timestamp text line.
it might be that its picking up one timestamped file there is different…?
Windy, I thought that too, at first. So I went through and deleted all contents of the webcam folder and stepped thru each of the options to make sure i had all the switches etc set.
The only one I was uncertain about was the ‘slider’ to increase / decrease sizes. i set that to reflect 100% size, and reselected ‘default’ as the option.
Also, I do not have the ‘keep live’ nor ‘reset daily’ boxes checked.
Now, under the ‘Setup image for other web cam capture software image’ … The left hand side image-sizes were not the same as my default size, but were considerably bigger. My understanding is this for for a 2nd webcam to use, in any event, I changed the sizes to reflect what I’m using on the main capture screen and clicked save. Neither the “file create” nor “update custom tags” switches are on…
I’ll get there; was just curious if anyone else had had this issue - but I’m starting to believe it’s a residual from my R,S &B fiasco of a couple of weeks back.
Found it!!!
The rogue image is being gen’d from the “setup image settings for other web cam capture software” … 'weather stamp on webcam file setup". as a test, I inserted yellow font, different location, and sure enough it showed up. I’m going to scan the registry and setup for WD and see if I can find a mis-set parm somewhere… Now I know what it is, I’ll figure out how to correct it…
Okay, we’re getting there…My oversized image doesn’t appear -well so far over the last 90 minutes - in my animated gif’s… But, something else has.
In the animation display, the desktop icon for weather display (the cloud with the blue lightning bolt) now appears in it. I can’t find any references to icon usage, but I’m sure it’s in there somewhere – anyone help me there?
The more I play /correct items I find, the more I’m coming to believe I may have had a registry or ini file corruption happen during the process of copying out, installing win2k, and copying back in. That sure would explain (wouldn’t it?) the variety and types of problems I’ve been encountering.
As an idle thought I was wondering what would I lose - if anything - if I backup my datafiles and did a clean install of WD again? Think the only problem might be with the registration entry… Anyone try this and what happened - good and not so good?
that icon is a default if the file with the time stamp,.needed, is not found
it should weed itself over time as the images with the correct time stamps get created
thanks Brian, I’ll check again in the AM
That’s one helluva program, incredible… Thank you for writing /support it and us!
A little history on the webcam plug-in module:
Yes, it is a fine addition to WD…