Webcam Enlarge issue

Right, I got the webcam working properly but I can’t find, or have completely missed the documentation that shows how to change the enlarged Image from the default displayed image.

As I said, I probably just missed the info :slight_smile:

Just checked and its still showing the demo image?

Yes when you click on enlarge it still shows the demo image.

Yes, it takes some time to find the correct topic for ane or more extensions to the basic PWS_Dashboard.
Originally 1 webcam was supported with all specifications are in the easyweather-settings.
So for the first webcam it works “out-of-the box”

But then one needed more webcams on the PWS_Dashboard, but the consensus was not to modify the easyweather-settings script.

So for webcam2 and 3 the pop-ups are hardcoded in the pop-up script
The URL for the second pop-up

. . . /image_popup.php?nr=wcam2

The URL for the third pop-up

. . . /image_popup.php?nr=wcam3
The lines 91-98 in that script :

$n      = 'wcam2';
$pop_img[$n]['url']     = './img/camplus.jpg';
$pop_img[$n]['txt']     = 'webcam';
$pop_img[$n]['head']    = '';
$n      = 'wcam3';
$pop_img[$n]['url']     = './img/camplus.jpg';
$pop_img[$n]['txt']     = 'webcam';
$pop_img[$n]['head']    = '';

Modify the url part and the pop-up will be shown correctly.


Thanks Wim, that helped massively as usual you are one of the most amazing people I know :smiley: