just paid for this but not sure how much of the web site you need so i put the following in http://homepages.manx.net/hcorrin/weather/flash/
updated to 1.01 ok
just paid for this but not sure how much of the web site you need so i put the following in http://homepages.manx.net/hcorrin/weather/flash/ updated to 1.01 ok
Hi CaptDilli,Looks like all you need is http://homepages.manx.net/The serial number is valid for the actual web server on the domain ie. if your website is at [b]mywebsite.com is available for purchase - Sedo.com it would work for any sites or subsites at www.mywebsite.com - that is the important part.
It would not work at www2.mywebsite.com etc. but it would work at mywebsite.com is available for purchase - Sedo.com etc.
You could use the file as many times as you wish within the site, just make sure the web page is pointing to the correct location of the swf file.
If you need to move sites just send me an email.
If that’s not clear let me know and I’ll try again!
Your site at http://littleswitzerlandweather.info/live/ is looking good!
It’s just the webserver and domain part. The domain is the myweather.com part. Conventionally people put www before it to identify the web part of the domain - it could just as easily be ftp.myweather.com for FTP or mail.myweather.com for a mail server etc.
in that case my web address is http://homepages.manx.net/hcorrin/ the homepages.manx.net is the server were my pages are held under hcorrin other people use the the same server if this causes a problem i’ll blame Manx Telecom who chose it
got serial number in ok working great
Hey Julian, I really like the Macromedia Weather Display Live presentation.
My payment is on the way for registration, via PayPal.
Looks Good
Hi tb
Sent you the serial this morning. Let me know if you didn’t get it and I’ll try again!
I received it that time, and it’s already installed and running okay. I think someone already told you about the Deg. F. numbers and the graph being in Deg. C. ? Correct ?
Thanks, and good job on the Macromedia presentation.
Yes they have. I also notice from your page that I still don’t have enough decimal places on the barometer trend display. Ho hum…
I’ll send Brian a revised version to put on the download page very soon.
It is my imagination or is the max temp font smaller than the min temp font on TB’s page?
good to see more people coming on board the only place where i am unable to view the flash is my work (local electricity undertaking) internet access is povided by the government (IOM) and the firewall will not let it through never mind
Are you sure it’s the firewall as Flash should just work over standard http - port 80? I would think it’s more likely they’ve blocked the plug-in on the browser. I had that problem with the Adobe SVG plug-in at my work.
they had to unlock the firewall to download the svg plugin but it was relocked after but svg works ok so i assumed that was the cause with all these netsky worms around who can blame them. i got one 31/03/04 thank heavens for norton
It is my imagination or is the max temp font smaller than the min temp font on TB's page? [http://members.sigecom.net/tbrooks/index.html](http://members.sigecom.net/tbrooks/index.html)
This seems to be an oddity when you have Flash set to a percentage value so it can resize. If you resize your browser window you can see that not all the font sizes seem to change at the same rate - and yes they are all set to the same size. At first I thought it may have been due to unsupported fonts but after investigation I think it’s just a quirk of Flash. Still I’ll keep looking in case there is a workaround.
I saw the size difference too, but thought it was the other values being in bold with the max temp being normal.
Tb 8)