I have WD version 10.20d and my webcam is Logitech Quickcam 4000 Pro.
I use WD’s webcam features. How I can disable face tracking/zoom option? (this is: webcam setup > capture settings > video device dialogs > device)
When I untick this from “device form” it comes back by itself. I try save all setings, but it comes always back… #-o
If I use anything other software this work ok, but with WD…hmmm.
I have a Logitech Quickcam 4000 Pro and I have not ever used the face tracking/zoom option.
Under Web cam capture, Motion detection, is Enable Motion detection ticked? Mine is not ticked.
i have not had time to finish have all the advanced features settings saved
(after answering emails, testing/fixing/ answering forum Q’s, etc, there is actualy not much time to program )
I have found that after I turn on streaming, I turn off the zoom, it holds. I do need to re-do after each re-start as the settings are not stored. I do not have your problem here. Once I set the stream, then set the zoom off, it stays that way.
Now I have WD version 10.20h (first full install and then zip-version)
I check all forms one by one and for every form I press “save settings” button.
Now in here is night time, but it looks as this work now. I can ensure from this tomorrow.
eki, dan reported a similar thing to what you found before: after going to the web cam setup, the 24+graps stopped/flat lined…but they came correct after midnight.,…is that you notice?..or is that ok now?
Hi Brian and all,
When this happened for me I correct it always daytime. So I don’t know what would be happened midnight.
But this is no more problem to me. After I did “full reinstall” my computer all graphs works fine.
This is hardway correct problems, but it works!
Dawned on that maybe ImageSalsa cause my problem. And Dan’s problem arise too after webcam things. Maybe webcams drivers (or some) cause this!?
My camera is QuickCam Pro 4000 and op.sys WinXP Pro
I don’t use imagesalsa or any other software with the webcam, just WD. When my 24 hour graph goes, the appearance is that it just started capturing data. So if it’s 1500, thats where the graph beings. Everything before that is flat-lined. It then continues to capture and display data as its received. I can convert the log to graph, but most of the time the graph dumps on the next screen update. I only suspect that going in and out of the web cam setup is the cause, I have not discovered the rights steps to duplicate.
My web cam zoom still keeps coming back ticked (under capture settings / device) each time I have to restart WD. I also have to re-tick show temperature in the overlay tab. You might look at these next time your in this part of the code.
Thats true, same here. I believe the settings for the zoom are external from WD in the drivers for the webcam. Hence, WD will
not be able to save that setting. You’re setting it under the “device” tab, correct?
I also have to re-tick show temperature in the overlay tab.
This I don’t have a problem with here, WD does retain the settings for the overlay. Maybe try turning off capture and streaming, then set up the overlay as desired, click on save, then re-start the streaming & capture, then set the zoom off. That’s how I do it here anyways.