Hi, I don’t know where to enable the separate cron job for pushing data to Weathercloud. Any information is appreciated.
Ver: 10.37Mac310
Hi, I don’t know where to enable the separate cron job for pushing data to Weathercloud. Any information is appreciated.
Ver: 10.37Mac310
there should be a croncloud program in the resources folder that WD runs
what shows in a terminal window when you run that program ?
Brian, below is the output from the croncloud. When I click the TEST button in the WeatherCloud set-up in Control Panel it does push the data the WeatherCloud but does not send otherwise.
/Applications/weatherdisplay.app/Contents/Resources/croncloud ; exit;
weather clouddata to send
weather cloud data send failed 17:17:11
Saving session…
…copying shared history…
…saving history…truncating history files…
Deleting expired sessions…9 completed.
hen I click the TEST button in the WeatherCloud set-up in Control Panel it does push the data the WeatherCloud but does not send otherwise.
that is important information to know
is the switch on in the weather cloud setup ?
is there any errors under view, program event log?
The switch is set to blue.
Program event log contains one line: Resetting warmest day values 06:01:37 03/02/2019
email me your settings files and I will check/test here
Sent setting info.
do you have WD Mac version set to get live weather data from your weather station?
i have fixed this now
latest update or use this update to the croncloud program
I am seeing a similar issue WeatherCloud cron jobs on 10.37Mac358. A test from the control panel is successful and my station is updated on WeatherCloud.
This is the successful url:
I have run croncloud from within weatherdisplay.app and it returns an error:
http://api.weathercloud.net/set/wid/[MYWID]/key/[MYKEY]/temp/132/tempin/192/chill/108/heat/132/hum/34/humin/41/wspd/62/wspdhi/77/wspdavg/69/wdir/170/wdiravg/164/bar/10149/rain/0/solarrad/1180/uvi/0/rainrate/0/thw/1490/et/0/ver/1.6/type/201 Error -1022 accessing to http://api.weathercloud.net/set/wid/[MYWID]/key/[MYKEY]/temp/132/tempin/192/chill/108/heat/132/hum/34/humin/41/wspd/62/wspdhi/77/wspdavg/69/wdir/170/wdiravg/164/bar/10149/rain/0/solarrad/1180/uvi/0/rainrate/0/thw/1490/et/0/ver/1.6/type/201: The resource could not be loaded because the App Transport Security policy requires the use of a secure connection.
The Mac is running High Sierra 10.13.6