Hi, I am pleased to make available my sticker script adapted to work with PWS Dashboard.
All the PWS Dashboard data are get automatically.
After downloading the .zip file, it must be unpacked and then uploaded to the same root where is your PWS Dashboard folder. I mean at the same level of your pwsWD folder and not inside it. Before use, you need to be sure that you have the new PWS Dashboard script ‘_data.php’. This script must be into your ‘pwsWD’ folder, otherwise your sticker will not work.(please, search into this topic to download it).
Inside the stickersPWS/setup.php script code you can do some settings for example you can change the background image or the ref site url. It is important that inside setup you write the correct url of your font folder ‘fontFace’ => “/home/customer/www/…” (what you find is only an example and it does not fit for you)
To see the sticker working, simply you can call this url: yoursite_path/stickersPWS/sticker.php
Pay attention that the script takes the live data from PWS_livedata.php script. So you must have PWS_livedata.php script running.
I point out that it has a cache system so as not to overload the server. if you change any settings you have to wait for the cache to expire to see the effects (5 minutes).
If you like to publish it on this forum you have to go to signature field (your forum profile) and write
where 500 is the dimension of the sticker.
All suggestions are welcome.
Best regards
-8 feb 2021 TEST release
-9 feb 2021 v.1.0 - fixed color settings not working + improved readme.txt file
-10 feb 2021 v.1.1 - fixed issue with min/max humidity and pressure trend data when missing or n/a
-10 feb 2021 v. 2.0 - Now the sticker Have to be installed outside the pwsWD folder
-13 feb 2021 v 2.1 - Now the pressure trend icons work even with weather[barometer_trend_text] data. Rewritten the readme.txt file
-14 feb 2021 v 2.2 - Fixed issue with date format when m-d-Y. Moved trend and station icons in specific folders.
-15 feb 2021 v 2.3 - Now we use the new script ‘_data.php’ to get all data. (please, search into this topic to download it)
If you have not it you must upload it into your ‘pwsWD’ folder, otherwise your sticker will not work anymore.
Thank to the new script we can have a today weather icon and text.
Also, I’ve avoided all the url settings; now all settings are made within the script code.
-15 feb 2021 v 2.4 - Improved browser cache cleaning.
When loading the cache .png image, now automatically select https or http.
Now it works with both humidity_max / min and humidity_high / low.
-16 feb 2021 v 2.5 - Added some debug checks
-17 feb 2021 v 2.6 - Now language translation is supported. Fixed a barometer trend icons issue. Reduced the weather icon text size.
-20 feb 2021 v 2.7 - Fixed some issues when the server has not GD FreeType Support.
Now you can force to don’t use GD FreeType Support (usefull if it does not work fine).
Added Davis icon
Added update auto check. Now, if there is an update you’ll be advised by a little icon at the bottom right of the sticker
-25 feb 2021 v 3.0 - Modifyed the setup. Now there is a setup.php file
Implemented gauges
-26 feb 2021 v3.1 Fixed the problem of the units of measure that were not clearly visible.
Guages now also accept data in F, inHg, mph, in
Centered the pressure trend text
I decided to keep the old digits sticker anyway; now, it is renamed as stickerdigit.php. You can use both.
-18 mar 2021 v3.2 Fixed an issue with php tag on gauge edition.
Fixed an issue with title font on digit edition.
Added a new sticker! Sticker compact
-20 mar 2021 v3.3 In Compact sticker added solar radiation and uv index data.
Also, fixed some issues with overlapping texts
-4 aug 2021 v3.4 PHP 8.1 ready (please, pay attention because it is changed setup.php file also)
-8 sept 2021 v4.0 The new Dynamic sticker is added
-6 nov 2021 v4.1 Fixed an issue that blocked sticKerdigit with php 8.
28 feb 2023 – v5.0 Added script for create a clientraw.txt if you haven’t it (it’s usefull for Android ’ Weather Personal Widget’ for example)
10 Jan 2025 - v5.1 - fixed warning php 8.2 and 8.3 version about icons color profiles missing. Added CAT flag. Improve readme and instruction text. Into de=test added script versione test. Added de=debug url selection.
Additionally because I’m not a programmer
what exactly it means in the instructions
“Also, there is something that you can set by url, simply add …/sticker.php?parameter=value¶meter=value etc etc etc”
As you can see at the bottom right of your sticher there is no live data. The sticker takes the data by PWS_livedata.php script.
You should manage to have PWS_livedata.php working.
A really nice sticker that I will probably use - also somewhere other than here.
It works fine except for a slight mystification.
The Danish flag in the upper left corner is cut to a quarter size?
Hi, yes You have to reduce your flag from 80 x 80 to 40 x 40 pixel.
There are a lot of flags and I found them in 80 x 80 format. I reduced only a few of them.
You can find them into flags folder of stickersPWS.
Yes, I know, it depens from PWS_livedata.php script.
In the array created by that script, theese values are empty. I thought it was because I use ecowitt custom upload but I can see that it is the same even with other system.
I reported it in a previous topic.
I have to investigate and maybe Wim can give me some advice to speed up my work.
best regards
Also in the other topic I answered that question.
Including livedata makes available
=> all settings as in _my_settings.php
=> $weather array for most values
=> $hist array for all high-low values. In this case
==> $hist[‘humd’][‘HghV’][‘today’]
==> $hist[‘humd’][‘LowV’][‘today’]
You can easily inspect the contents of the history array in the debug-console pwsWD/PWS_module_test.php
Select the file in the second-row-left selector
I’ve made the modification as Wim mentioned. The humidity min/max needs to be swapped in the sticker script as well. See attachment for the modified file.
That will be difficult.
Normal data files located inside the main dashboard folder (in your case ws1/) get a full path so that the data can always be fetched.
Example: In easyweather it was ./jsondata/realtime.txt and it is changed to /Users/wvdk/http/pwsWD/jsondata/realtime.txt
Your data is set as …/mx/realtime.txt and that can not that “easily” be changed to a full path by the scripts.
So go to your easyweathersettings and change the location to /home/meteoliv/public_html/meteoarachova/mx/realtime.txt
That should work better, if allowed by the webserver.
Hi to all,
I’ve done it in a manner that when min/max humidity and pressure trend data are missing, you don’t see the empty fields.
Also, since I use Ecowitt custom upload where theese data are missing, I managed to have them by modifing PWS_livedata.php and PWS_cronstationcron.php
The new files are at the head of this topic.
Best regards
Please use this small script to see where the values are hidden.
insert in your stickerPWS/ folder and run . . . /pwsWD/stickerPWS/check.php
It displays the content of the history array ($hist) and current-values array ($weather)
To get the high-lows in most/any PWS_Dashboard script refer to the $hist item
For humid - high - today this is the item to use: $hist[‘humd’][‘HghV’][‘today’]
Please do not solve sticker-problems by changing other core scripts outside your stickerPWS/ folder.
I myself can not support user modifications in livedata or stationcron.
Those are the two most used scripts and nearly every 2 months they are updated.
To prove is should work, the output of the script on a ecowitt custom upload test-site: