I have a couple stable stations running on a computer using the latest (as of yesterday) WD (s75).
They are Vaisala stations, and are nicely working for a couple months.
An extra station and a little spare time is the devil’s workshop, so I connected a new TWI-8000 (for me) to a third instance of WD (again, all the same version, all in separate installs), and set it up.
Things are fine, but I notice that even though the correct com port is selected, and the weatherstation is selected from the Control Panel/Station Type and settings, and the interface is feeding data from the station to the program and graphing and displaying correctly, the header in the Windows window (the thing across the very top, ways Weather Display - Ver 10.37S75 Registered, but then says Vaisala and then the Wind direction, speed and temp.
With my fiddling around, it is nice to know which window I’m in, and if I do upload to my web page, that the correct station in use is displayed.
Is there a way to have it not read the station type from the first instance of WD loaded and display it correctly when more than one type of station is being used/tested?
As a wee bit of another concern, in the two Vaisala instances, I picked from the types of stations in the setup panel mentioned above, Vaisala 510. One is a 510 and one is a 520. The interface works just fine with either one, but once again, the header shows 510 for both of the instances. A minor point but it would be nice to have the chance to choose what that character string displayed is, to reflect and make identification easier when fiddling with the program and settings and all. Just a thought.
Any suggestions to get the Texas Wx identifier to display right?