Weather Display Spy?

Hello, it would not be bad idea which you created a small independent program of WD, memory resident to watch if WeatherDisplay continues working or if it has stopped by any cause. I say it because I also have had problems (I have seen the last messages of bugs with the WS2310) and I have been created a small program that compares the length of the file “dailylog.txt” every two minutes, and in case of being the same one an alarm jumps.


Commercial version:


the problems with the ws2310, beucasei had missed 1 line of code, should be much better now, in vers 9.46c or later

for the latest vers (temporary as server down due to hack attack)

Commercial version:


how’s that working, Tom ?
It’s limited before registrating, i.p.o 30 days; gives me not that feeling of ‘must have’ but with my WinME I need such like this…

Works as advertized. Not needed for XP


As advertised ? do U sell it :wink:
Or is it your own experience and you want let join us ?

using WinME…and I really do need anything like this…
with teenagers here using MSN, chatting, etc
my ME is a fast confuser, so I’m not waiting for
fancy programs that make a lot of changes in reg files

what’s the opinion ?

Like I said… “Works as advertized. Not needed for XP”. Tested on W2K as well. No idea about ME. And No, I don’t sell it, I just found it.
