First time post…
I’m currently preparing to move from Win10 to Linux Mint.
Weather Display has been a great resource on several PCs over the years, uploading data from the Davis Vantage Pro to our website.
I remembered WD has a Linux version, so I followed the instructions but:
- I am new to Linux and don’t know the significance of the ‘GTK’ mentioned in the notes - I tried ‘apt install GTK’ but got nowhere

- The ‘./GoWeather’ command was not successful either.
Undeterred, I successfully installed WD (Win ver) with Wine and it opens up Ok.
I entered my Rego code from waaay back, but it does not register on Winer.
Do I have to pay the US$58 again to get the Win version registered on Wine?
Grateful for any tips on getting the Linux version as an alternative.
I can’t help you with getting it working on Linux but if you need a new key, email Brian with you registration details and he’ll send you a new one. If you use a different email address now than the one you originally used to registered WD tell him your original email address.
Thank you very much Chris, will do.
Was this the command that stumped you when you attempted to get it running in Linux Mint:
First install package via terminal window (one time)
sudo apt install libwebkitgtk-3.0
Sorry for late reply.
Yes it was - from memory I had to use -6.0-4
Now I’m looking for ways to import old config settings from Win and historical data (since 2017) to get up and running in Mint (but not from scratch hope).
Good luck. I can’t help with that, I haven’t used Windoze since 1988.
An update on Weather Display in the Linux Mint (LM) environment…
Although I got the Linux flavour of wdisplay to run Ok in LM, the prog has stopped a few times (randomly).
So today I installed the latest Win version via Wine.
It took some digging to get the USB/Serial converter to talk to wdisplay but it’s now running.
Next hurdle is to get the historical records to show up.
I have copied over all the earlier Log and Data files from my earlier Windows 10 folders but no records prior to this month show up.
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