Weather Display install file v 10.37R Build 290

just update to the latest version of WD, and also windows 10. when I open WD, it sees the stored data, but does not upload. only displays current info now.
Rainwise MK3
CC3000 logger


not sure what you mean exactly
can you provide more detailed info?

it does not load the stored data into WD from the logger. this worked with previous version of WD but has now stopped.


Possibly the same problem with windows 10 as mine?

not the same thing…different weather station type, different way of getting the data

which version of WD were you using before?

cannot remember the previous version. what I have also noticed is that the memory on the logger was full, and does not clear when instructed to do so.


you must have some idea which version of WD you were using before?

I only upload every 2/3 weeks when home, does this help?

yes it helps
because at least I know its not like it was build 81 you were using

it would be good to know exactly what is not working (and what is working)

compared to how it was before

it appears that the ‘clear data’ is not working, as the memory on the logger was at 100%. also when you start the software, it sees the recorded data, but no logger uploads. the data is there, as I can scan the memory of the logger and see it, although I have now cleared the logger memory.


so is it now downloading history data?

it is now that I have updated to latest version, so all working fine, except that it is not clearing the logger memory.

not clearing it when you click to clear it in the data logger setup, or?

not clearing when the check box is ticked.

next WD update should do this

all I get now is the error message as shown on the attached. And its also reading the direction as the gust speed since I have downloaded the lattest version (30.08.15)… it recorded winds up to 315mph last night as well!


its not easy when you do not have the hardware here
but try a new .zip update…

appreciate the efforts. also, if you need access to my computer again, there are no problems with that. Have updated using the Zip file, and all that happens now are the messages shown on the attached.
also there is no date being displayed?
can you add a link to the version you release of the 28-08-2015? this was the last version that worked correctly for me, a full install would be good.


WD1 (640x421).jpg

No Data (640x471).jpg

I can for now remove the clear the data logger that you wanted added
to see if that at least stops this problem

is there any error under view, program event log?

I might have found something and fixed it in the latest .zip update,ready now