Weather Display "hangs" frequently - help needed

I have been running WD with little in the way of problems for some time on an iMac (Late 2013) with Mojave version 10.14.6. I am running the latest version of WD - version 10.37Mac Build 361.

Recently WD has started to hang and needs to be restarted - over a 3 day period this happened 12 times. What is strange is the times when it happens, for example 1.00.59, 6.29.59, 4.19.59, etc.

I am not uploading to a personal web site but do send data to PWSweather and but removing these updates has no impact.

I have saved one of the recent “hang” files from the Mac Console but I do not have the expertise to make sense of it!

Any help from anyone who has experienced a similar issue and managed to resoled it would be appreciated

i have been replying to your emails about this
your older mac, using an older OSX version, which does not support the latest metal graphics , means WD is not able to leverage the GPU fully
an more recent hardware and OSX version others have much better success with

I want to transfer WD and all the data from the older Mac to a newer one (iMac Pro 2017) running macOS Catalina version 10.15.7.

The “wdisplay” folder on the older Mac sits in the documents folder on iCloud so also resides on the documents folder on the iMac Pro.

Can I just download the latest version of WD from the website and it will find the 'wdisplay" folder after I install and run it? Or is it more complicated than that?

do you mean your WD mac version has been storing its settings and data/logfiles in the cloud?
that will make it run slower

Yes, WD installs the"wdisplay" folder in Documents which is part of the iCloud and has done so since I first installed WD. Yes, it probably does run a little slower as it updates iCloud but that has not posed a problem with the running of WD as far as I could tell.

It is possible to re-locate the “wdisplay” folder from Documents but I assume that WD would still look for “wdisplay” in its original location - would that be the case?

Not sure if it’s related but I recently retired my old Mac 2011 to the basement and it’s now only running Weather Display, a music server, and a Time Machine backup. I started to get similar ‘hangs’ every few hours after the move. The issues seems to be related to using the Screen Sharing remote app from my new Mac to control the old Mac. So long as I start the old Mac locally and do not use Screen Sharing WD is stable for days, if I use Screen Sharing within 12-24h WD will freeze up.