Weather Display Current Weather Incorrect In Program

Hi Folks I’m running an old Acurite 06014RM 5 in 1 station with Weather Display in Windows 7 (old laptop). Things have been fine for a long time but I’m noticing lately that the current weather icon in Weather Display is wrong constantly. Not sure where it’s pulling the data from (VIS?) & have gone through settings trying to get it to behave properly the way it used to. Any input is appreciated.

I am not familiar with that station and not seeing a website this is just a guess.

If your station has solar then I believe the current conditions in daytime are set from the solar readings so has anything changed there?


Hi Stuart, thanks for the reply! No solar sensor & nothing changed except recovering from a system crash but things were weird before that. Does VIS pull the current weather?

Sorry know nothing about VIS, however a system crash can corrupt files so start by checking the validity of log files and make sure all expected files are present and valid. Probably the crash has corrupted something.
