Weather Display (App store version)

Hey there,

Curious if anyone else is using the App Store version of WeatherDisplay? if so what version of Mac OS are you running?


Yes, I have Sonoma 14.2.1 on my mac mini m1.
WeatherDisplay App Store version 10.37Mac404.

Thanks, when you upgraded the OS did you have any issues.

I am on big sur and desperately need to upgrade. I have a work macbook which is on ventura. When I installed there and brought my files over - WD came up fine. However, my personal and Wunderground sites were not updating. I highly suspect the ini file paths were different causing it.

I guess I was looking for confirmation others are on it, what OS, and any issues to know about.

I didn’t upgrade, my intel imac had died and I changed over to a Davis Weatherlink at the same time, so I just did a fresh install and transferred all my Weather Display history to Davis Weatherlink Pro. I don’t have a personal website, CWOP and Wunderground is updated from the Davis website.
The WD program runs fine, though.
edit: I’m actually using the Davis Weatherlink Live.

Gotcha… guess i should just put my big boy pants on, suck it up and upgrade. I always do full backups before hand.

Thanks for taking the time to reply. Are you new to WD or just the app store version. I have been using WD since 2005. The old version was giving me sooooo many headaches - 99.5% ended when I went to app store version (getting data from weatherlink box vs. Vantage pro (cable to mac)

I think I bought my 1st WD license around 2007. Since then I use WD on both Mac and Windows. I’m on my 3rd Davis Vantage Pro so I have 3 console units working between the house and the workshop. The consoles are only good to walk up and look at now, the WLL does all the work. All the equipment has gotten better, much more stable than it used to be. My only complaint about Davis is that the temperature sensors are only good down to -40, and we get colder than that here. They start cutting out around -32 or so. The Davis Weatherlink website is pretty easy to use. I use it to research heating days during winter.

DANG, where are you that it gets that cold

I have had ONE console the whole time. I have had to replace the outside part twice (in nearly 20 years not so bad).

Let me ask you this: Lets say it is raining or has recently rained and for whatever reason you need to restart WD, do your rainfall amounts look right? Mine do NOT match the console. Its like it is adding the amount (that fell since) twice in WD. Btw not sure if you knew this but you CAN adjust the yearly rainfall within WLL. I’m weird and like them both to be in sync. For me the console is the accurate piece.

We don’t get rain very often here (central Alberta). I only use the consoles for a quick glance at temperature. I have WD up on my computers at all times and I much prefer the graphical display of weather. WD seems to be pretty accurate for that.
The only time I need to restart WD is when our old router (Starlink) restarted and reassigned ip addresses so that was a pain with WD. It took a few restarts before it would accept the new WLL ip address. I’ve since put a separate router after the Starlink and don’t have that problem any more.
I have to restart WD for computer updates but as long as the ip address of WLL stayed the same WD starts up right where it left off.