WDL v2 Released

Weather Display Live v2 has been officially released and is available for download on the Weather Display site.

There are many new features, these are the major ones -

[list]*Instruments in WDL can now be configured by use of the WDL configuration file. All instruments can be individually positioned, resized, displayed or hidden. For some you have a choice of whether to display an instrument or text.
*New ‘VU’ type meter for humidity and barometer.
*New 24 hour graphs.
*New All Time Records display.
*Multi-lingual - currently supporting 8 languages.
*Extra sensors can now be displayed with a choice of instruments or text.
*All instruments can have individual hyperlinks and ‘tool tip’ type text of your choice.
*Support for lightning detector with warning if chosen threshold is reached.
*New average wind direction arrow.
*You can now have multiple versions of Weather Display Live on one website, or even in the same folder.[/list:u]
For existing users the most important thing to note is that in the index.html file you must now link to the wdlconfig.xml file and NOT the clientraw.txt file. Hopefully I’ve explained this fully in the readme.html file and also in the configuring_wdl.pdf file. The readme is designed as a quick getting started guide whereas the configuring_wdl.pdf is much more in depth and hopefully gives you plenty of information and examples for configuring it.

Many thanks to the beta testers and translators for their help and patience in getting WDL v2 to its current standard.

Any questions or queries don’t hesitate to get in touch and all comments and suggestions, good or bad, are most welcome!



Congratulations on programming such a super add-on for Weather Display. This piece of software is much better then any of it’s competitors ( :wink: )

Thank you very much !


:D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/

Hi Julian,

great job, works fine in german.
Now I wait to see the "

Hi Julian,

Realy a great job done!

Don’t care about the crazy germans and their silly Umlaute. :wink:

Have a break and relax (but not more than one day, please! :lol: ).

By the way: Purchase order for WDL is on the way!

Looking forward to enjoying this marvelous proggi without “Evaluation Version” water mark!


Hi Julian,

once again from a “crazy” german.

Yes, as I said in this thread http://www.weather-watch.com/smf/index.php?topic=5179.0 it’s a problem with Flash when it loads external files - it can’t handle extended characters. I’m talking to Brian about how to fix this as the only option would be to encode the clientraw file but that would also affect users of the svg viewer and the LAN viewer. There’s not an easy solution.


Yes, I understand.

Maybe Brian can change it in the following manner:

[quote]Maybe Brian can change it in the following manner:

i can do that!
next version of WD

Looks good even got two running one in main folder and another in another folder on my site which mean i can experiment without upsetting the main one

re the german language solar description
try a new 10.16v beta, ready now
should be OK now