Hi there:
I have this problem with WDL. After a day or so , I will go to my website and the WDL will get to the loading data screen and stay there. My computer seems to be sending every 4 seconds like I have it set, but when I look at the clientraw.txt file on my webserver the text file is empty. If I reboot my computer everything starts working again and there is text in the clientraw.txt file.
Yes I use FTP to upload to the server and it works fine till something happens and the clientraw.txt file on the server becomes empty , which is why WDL wont load.
I have this problem occasionally and came to the concluasion that it was cuased by the program reading the file at exactly the same time as the FTP was trying to upload a new version and locking the file.
It hasn’t happened yet though in version 3.01 - absolutely brilliant companion to WD