I have WDL installed here http://home2.btconnect.com/brettoliver/Kenley_Weather.htm
I found the page worked OK in Firefox but not in IE7.
I had to disable Java JRE 1.6.0-072 in “Internet options, advanced” to get it working in IE7.
Works great for me in IE 7 on Vista however in FireFox 3 it is really small and unreadable which is a known FF issue and searching these forums should reveal a couple of possible reasons…
My IE is set to “Use JRE 1.6.0 for ” enabled. FWIW must be the default setting as I never messed with any IE settings as that isn’t my primary browser…
http://www.myway.de/honsolgen/ is broken due to using the Old WDL coding method and not having the correct code for both FF and IE which in the old code had to be entered in two places.
They should update and start using the new WDL HTML code which should fix the problem…