WDisplay Users

Is there a list of WD users out that you can see if they are in your area? I meet one today that only lives 12 mi. away and we would like to setup a little weather ring in our County. Thank You !

That would be kind of neat…

You could start with our users here


No way to search for location though (out of 1705 registered forum members) #-o

THANK YOU , I was afraid of that, 1705 names #-o

I don’t think we have 1705 actual users of WD here though - many come to the boards to find out about the program before downloading it. Some join up and never post anything or log in again! Some just ask one question. Some may run other weather programs and just came here to check out the competition :slight_smile:

I wonder what the actual percentage of the 1705 users actually have a weather station and run WD? And how many inactive users are on this forum.

going by purchases, and not all will be still using WD, but I would like to think a good majority are, there are something like 3700 users

so there are many WD users out there who have never heard of this forum then - or just read it as a “guest” presumably!?!

Boy! What a list ! But I guess if you want the best you come to WDisplay Software…

Maybe a link to the forum under the “help” menu in WD?

already there, as , online help forum

Ahh - I see it now #-o

I’m near you with two stations and I can point you to several more if you give me a direct email.
They’re everywhere!

Better yet, why don’t we set up a mesomap with only Colorado stations. I’ve been thinking about it but my wife keeps making me go to work in the morning. Killjoy.

Jim: I saw your reply and have e-mail to you, I haven’t learned how to set up a mesomap yet, but I will look thru the forum and see what I can find {any luck some one will see this and point me in right direction} Thank You

check the FAQ , i am pretty sure the FAQ team have added a great FAQ for the mesomaps there :slight_smile:

Thank You Brian, I am heading that way now, I’ll learn wd yet,thanks again

Just in case anyone comes along and finds this question about Mesomaps :wink:

Here is the FAQ:


Thanks Alot, I was going by and found your info. Thanks to your stepXstep I think I can do it.THANKS AGAIN