WD transfer to new computer

I am running here the WeatherDisplay 10.37Q Build 30 on Windows XP, and want to transfer the software to a new 64bit machine with Windows 7 or 8.

  1. Does WeatherDisplay run on W7 or W8 with 64bit system?
  2. What do I have to do to transfer all the present settings from my old machine to the new 64bit machine? Do I have to load the newest version first? Any change of settings necessary when changing from 32bit to 64-bit system.
  3. My weather station is a WS-2350. Does the RS-232 function the same way on W7 or W8 as with XP?
    What else do have to consider.
    Any help would be appreciated.


There is a thread in this forum on moving to a new PC. Moving is dead easy - all you need is to follow the simple steps and have an external hard drive or flash drive to move the data and files to the new PC. Weather display definitely runs on W7 and W8 but as I am running 32 bit I can’t say about running on 64 bit.

I am pretty sure that it will run the same on xp as it does on 7 or 8.

I would just give it a go.


Here’s the link to the thread in the FAQ section of the forum: Moving WD to a new/different PC

WD does run on Windows 7 64 bit and does run on W8, but not sure where it’s been tried on both 32 & 64 bit.

The WD version you are running is very old, in WD terms, and there have been quite a few updates since that came out. It may be better to download the latest version into your XP machine and see what happens, before loading everything on to W7. At least that way you can make sure it’s all working before the transfer and you can rule out the software update as a possible cause of any issues you may find after the transfer. :wink:

As for the RS-232, you will probably need a Serial to USB adaptor for the new PC, unless you’re fitting a Serial PCI card to the motherboard. In which case make sure it’s a good quality adaptor and has the latest drivers installed.

The best advice if you don’t want to lose any data is to backup backup and backup again. :smiley: