WD ver 10.37K PC 3.0 GHz dual processor with 2GB ram running Windows XP Profession with SP2 Weather Station is a Vantage Pro 2 connected to my computer via comm port one serial port.
Randomly I lose comm with the weater station. The green data light stops blinking. The software could run for a week or maybe a few hours. I can go into the control panel of windows and disable the comm 1 port and then re-enable it and it will start working.
I had this issue with the previous versions of Weather Display and when I used a usb to serial adapter. I was hoping that if I went to a true serial port that it would work better. I would prefer to use a USB because I do emergency Communication and I am set up to be a port for email between ham radio and the internet but that software only uses a true serial port which I am now using for the weather display to get it to work more efficiently.
I have never had this problem myself, and I have not had any other reports of this problem…but you say you know of someone with a similar problem
its possible that the problem could be with the ham radio gear causing electrical inteference and intefering with the com port
i.e any correlation between using the ham gear and the problem?
what I could do is set to force a re open of the com port if data stops from the VP
Hello Dan…I had to deal with this issue almost a year ago…but it was not a Weather Display issue. When I first started uploading my weather data my computer was located in my ham shack. When I tried to run my Acom 1000 amp I found this caused the software to lose connection. To reslove my problem I took the time to ground my station and move my weather station and weather computer to the other end of my house and to date no more problems…in short I believe you are dealing with an RF issue.
i have similar problem. WD periodically Losses comm connection .
I have maybe problem with the data logger of w.l, I saw that the station does not manufacture graphs, but indeed guards data of minimum and maximum. on the console the
I have this problem pop up recently with my WS2300. Every time I restart the PC, I find that I have to disconnect the mains unit to the weather station, and click on the ‘restart’ button in ‘Control Panel’ ‘Station type’ to restart it, then reconnect the mains unit. Sometimes takes a couple of re-starts.
AMD XP 3000+, 1GB RAM, XP Pro latest patches. WD 10.37j running on a ‘proper’ serial port…
the problem was with serial port, But I have data logger also with usb and I installed it today. I think that the new version of w.d do that problem, but im not sure. #-o
Andy E, your problem will be un related to the particular Davis VP problem
and is more related to the 2310 sometimes being stubborn to be woken up in the start up wake up sequence
I’ve had the same problem with my new serial logger & serial to usb cable (Davis VP) . I’ve tried this solution and it appears to be working for me too…
update -
The fix described above didn’t work after all. The clock on WD carries on ticking, and data quality is solid green, with data received flashing as usual, but the data received counter doesn’t increase.
Anyone any ideas?
if the data received light is still flashing then that means data is still being received…
does the data quailty light flash red?
for the original poster, I have added a check for when no more data arrives…and then wd will try and re open the com port
in a new .zip update (re download if you had already)
Brian. Thanks for responding.
I’m getting the occasional red flash from the data quality light during normal running.
You suggest that if the data received light is flashing, then data is being received? OK, but this appears to be old data -the graphs flatline on the last ‘good’ reading received, whilst the console continues to work as normal.
I’ll check again when it next happens (2-3 times per day at the moment). Then should I try your new zipped file too?
red flashes of the data quality light are a sign that the data is not getting through very well (i.e there are crc errors occuring)
maybe its your serial to USB convertor
I was connecting into a usb hub, so moved to one of the main usb ports on the pc and this appears to have fixed the problem. I’ve been running > 24hrs now without glitch, whereas I was losing the connection very 6-10 hours before.