WD Not Showing Tempest Rain Activity, but Weatherflow App is

Weatherflow app is showing rain activity but WD is not. WD is seeing the station and showing other data. WD is running as admin.

Cronweatherflow is not showing any rain data in any of the periodic updates, not even a zero amount. “Get Sensor Names” does nothing.

Here’s the station setup screen

Here’s the Cronweatherflow screen (ver 9.3)

Check the box user exclusively (no web socket)
Wait 30 seconds or so,up above strike there is 3 dashes
After the 30 seconds or so you will see it fill in with your rain amount.
It will then show up in WD

I checked the box and waited over an hour. I still have dashes. Am I at least supposed to have zeros showing?

I reset the hub and no change.

I harvested the data that is scrolling by the windows on cronweatherflow and there is no mention of rain at all.

Files are attached.

CW1.txt (1.1 KB)
CW2.txt (4.0 KB)

Yes if no rain it shold be 0.00
Will check my settings, I know there was a different setup with Devicie ID’s
Also do you have you turned off nearcast in your weatherflow app
Make sure you have the correct Station ID’s See link below

How to find station ID WeatherFlow app
Your station ID and WEBsocket ID will be different.

and in WD not Cron weatherflow

Let me know if you can not get it to work.
I can test your settings , but we would not want to give any sensor ID’s in the forum

Have you updated to the latest version of WD, I just updated mine and see where my weatherflow is working better where I had issues with my websocket it appears it is working after I updated WD

OK, it’s working.

  1. I had the wrong number for station ID. I had the DEVICE ID instead. Once that changed, Get Sensor Names in WD and Get Names in CWF started getting results, but still no rain data.
  2. Unchecked Use Exclusively. That’s when I started seeing rain data in the logs and the dashes turned into readings.

Thanks for the little nudge to look again at that video. I looked at it once but the video doesn’t match the current app.

FYI, I was already using the current version of WD.

Thanks again.


So glad to hear that, Glad I was able to get you to take a second look.
Happy Holidays

Well… that didn’t last long.

When I came back from a holiday trip, rain data was no longer showing. We’re back to “–”.

I am seeing this from Cronweatherflow…

OK Remote host connection complete. 0
OK Websocket connection complete. 0
Connected to Socket OK
Device ID to connect to:386865<
{“status_code”:5,“status_message”:“AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED - Rate limit exceed or your API Key or Oauth2 Access Token missing”}
Connection not allowed to open Websocket disconnected. 1003
Connection not allowed to open

Any inspiration?
