WD is sluggish when using an AAG V3 1 wire Station

I’ve been having a problem with the WD program running an AAG V3 1 wire Station. After setting up the comm port or USB, and selecting the AAG V3 station, when using the Dallas 1 wire setup, everything is in slow motion, I can’t scroll down the page, if I type in a block, the numbers take a second or two after I type them to show up. Same problem on the Offsets page and others. I’ve watched Task manager and the processor utilization is normal while I’m on these pages. Once set up, the weather Station/Program works for two to three days then stops responding. Whenever I shut WD down, if running two days or two minutes, windows shows a program error. There are no errors in WD’s program error log.

I’ve tried the comm port 1 wire adapter and the 1 wire USB adapter. Changed Comm port settings. Disconnected sensors. Connected sensors one at a time, and rewired the whole thing with Cat 5e cable. No difference. I’ve tried 3 different computers (AMD 2500XP, 512 meg RAM, NVidia chipset, XP Home/ Celeron 2.4MHz, 384 Meg RAM, Intel chipset, Windows 2000, / Celeron 900MHz, 512 Meg RAM, Via Chipset, Windows 98. All the same. I keep updating WD to the newest version.

Anyone have any suggestions? Anyone have the same problems? I’m out of ideas. cry

By the way, I also have a Lacross 2310 and it has been running WD problem free for well over a year.

It’s not just you…I have all the same exact problems with my V3 AAG 1 wire setup. I’m running the latest ver of WD on an AMD machine with WinXP SP2.

Eric :x

What speed CPU’s are you using? I use it on a 1GHZ machine and it is acceptable but slow. I believe it’s due to the polling of the one wire bus that taxes the PC. If you are using Win2K you can launch the task manager and see the CPU spike about once a second. It would be nice if the one wire polling interval could be set though.

Hey Rupp,

My PC is 1.8 GHZ with 512 Meg of DDR ram.


Whoa! That should be more than enough CPU power. Hopefully Brian can give a better explanation for the sluggish performance.

try unticking use the new dir routine in the dallas 1 wire setup
(down to the left of the lightning count rom id’s)

but, yes, the dallas 1 wire routines are cpu intensive, which causes pauses in the responsive off the program to mouse inputs
same thing happens with wserver…but not as bad probably

Once set up, the weather Station/Program works for two to three days then stops responding.

do you have that same problem snide?


I’ve only had my 1 wire system up and running for a couple of days and it hasn’t happened yet. I swapped from a WS-2310. I’ll be on the lookout for this.


just fired up my vers 3 dallas 1 wire

its not all that bad resposiveness
yes, its less responsive than with any other weather station type…thats because of the high cpu use of the dallas 1 wire routines

but check in the 1 wire setup for any errors/ re searching of i buttons, etc

have you tried to compare with wserver?

just did some testing…and monitoring cpu use
with a USB serial adaptor, cpu use is 35%…which is quite high!
i would guess cpu use would be less if using a serial adaptor…

I have my V3 system running on a PII laptop with 128 mb RAM ! Its pretty slow, hard to use and I suspect is the cause of a whole heap of my problems, including slow WDL updates :frowning:
I’m just putting up with it for now. I guess other stations have some sort of console that acts a pre-processor, taking some of the load off the PC.

is that with a USB adaptor 41 south?

yes, any other weather station that is just straight serial WD uses only 0 to 2% cpu and is nice and responsive

Hi Brian,
I use a serial adaptor, I have a usb one but haven’t tried it yet. If I get a chance today I will, otherwise it will be next week.

what i could do is have option to slow down some of the polling of the data…like the temperature and wind direction…i will get you a test version 41 south…which polls the wind direction and temperature only every minute…as a test

No problems at all, let me know when its ready. Do you want it tested on both serial and usb?

seems to be much better on testing here
in about 30 minutes time
i also fixed a bug with the 2 or 4 pole type selection

OK, will give it a whirl.

Talking about 2 and 4 pole, how do I tell in V3 which one I have? I’m pretty sure I only have the 2 sets of switches in the main unit, so I have set 2 pole.

What is the “normal” poll rate? It would be a nice option to be able to adjust this. I use the serial device and my CPU bounces between 5 and 20% on average using 10.16S. This is actually the lowest CPU usage I have seen for a long time.

i have an idea:
i have a separate program to update the data (file) from a dallas 1 wire

I’m currently running WD on a Celeron 2.4 Gig/ 384 Meg of memory. Watching WD very closely in Task manager, WD averages 2% to 5% CPU usage with spikes from 25% to 60% about every 10 to 20 seconds. I thought the spikes might be during the disk writes, but they don’t happen at the same time.

After thinking about it for a while, there is one thing all 3 computers I tried do have in common. All 3 use NVidia Video cards (but not THE same card, mx200, 64 meg ram, mx400, 128 meg ram). So I tried an ATI Radeon 9200 w/128 Meg ram. I see a 50% improvement in scrolling the 1 Wire setup page. With the Nvidia mx200, the page doesn’t scroll at all. I have to click the mouse in the scroll bar area and the page makes large jumps. With the ATI card, I can use the scroll arrow and the page will scroll about 15 mouse clicks worth before pausing for a few seconds.

Maybe this is a video issue and not a processor utilization issue?

I also notice that other programs don’t seem to be effected with WD running at the same time. They run at a normal speed.

This problem is not a show stopper. WD still works for me - just a bit slow on some pages, It’s still the best weather station software I’ve tried.

Brian, thanks for all the hard work. I don’t know how you do it!

hey, thats good news you have identified a video driver/hardware as one of the causes :slight_smile: