Tempest working fine with WD Windows. Decided to add Ecowitt GW2000 with 6 additional temperature sensors (WH31). I am unsure how to integrate…
I have tried to add GW2000 as an additional device for the temperature sensors and then I get Tempest working all wrong and I do not see the additional sensors. I wanted, at least, to get one of house sensor to display temperature on WD middle stripchart but to no avail…
I see this CRON page appearance before WD main page. This must have something to do with this additional HUB I added.
Am I correct in assuming I should be able to display these new sensors on some WD stripchart somewhere. Does WD support 2 hubs (Tempest and Ecowitt both 915 MHz). It seems there are no RF packet collisions (on 915MHz) since I get the both Tempest and Ecowitt iPhone apps to display each and every sensors correctly whether Tempest or Ecowitt.
I don’t know if it will help, but see Setup > Advanced/Misc Settings > WMR968 Modified sensors/WeatherFlow/Ecowitt
Thanks bitsostring for clues but did not work. Here are my discoveries after investigating.
In the Weather Station Type Selection page I added the Ecowitt GW1000/GW1002/GW2000/Whittboy/Froggit and then added the fixed IP address for that new hub then Enabled it. Note: that is in addition to the existing and working Tempest hub
That seems to have started a Cron GW1000 version 7.2 job that displays the RAW data every 5 seconds. So far so good.
I found in View Panel the Max/Min/Extra Sensor Data/Trends the way display the additional Ecowitt temperature sensors I bought. This shows as a table filled with all the additinal sensors every 5 seconds approx.
I also can also view 4 new graphs for these Ecowitt WH31/GW2000 in the Extra Sensors Page. There seems to be a bug though on graph 3 that shows the correct humidity but temperature stuck at zero even though the numbers above are OK. This seems to be a bug. i have included a snapshot of the graphs.
I was able to set up an Extra Sensors Graph for the sensors. I have tons of work to fine-tune everything now…
Nice !
ooops… I forgot the snapshot of the faulty graph. Here it is.
Oh well… Forget all I have said… Yes the Ecowitt extra sensors work fine but activation the GW2000 hub in addition with the Tempest hub actually killed correct functioning of the Tempest display. Readings are intermitent, show correct/incorrect and back to correct values and the rainfall table is filled with zeros while it is raining heavily outside…
I guess you can’t show them all…