WD hangs during startup

I have a WMR200, and run WD 10.37R317 in Windows 10. When I start up WD each morning it begins to read History Data from the WMR200 data logger. Sometimes all goes well and WD restarts 2 or 3 times, each time reading more History Data, rebuilding the overnight graphs in 4- or 5-hour segments and finally allowing real-time data to flow. I presume this is normal behaviour. . .

Frequently, however, the whole program hangs: the Data Gatherer window shows “Resetting registry”, and that’s that. A manual restart results in the loss of the history data that has already been read.

Any ideas?

where are you seeing exactly the message, Resetting registry?

When the History Data has finished scrolling and that window disappears the Data Gatherer takes over. The system tray icon is called WMR200 but I think it’s WMR100.exe that’s running? I see it in that window, while the seconds seem to count up at the top of the window, but nothing happens. I’ve left it for 20 minutes, just in case, but nothing.

ok, so the problem is when its found that it has the latest data, i.e no more history data left,and then when it switches over to real time data, from the separate data gathering program…

Basically, yes.

BUT it hasn’t necessarily extracted ALL the History Data, because it sometimes hangs after getting the first 4 or 5 hours’ worth, without restarting automatically to get the rest. A manual restart then means I’m missing, say, 2330-0400 data when it reads the rest.

Other times it hangs after the first automatic restart, when it has recovered 2330-0400 successfully. Then I’m missing 0400-0900. . .

Of course, everything worked perfectly yesterday. . . but this morning it read all the History Data and did absolutely nothing with it. All the graphs show a single discontinuity at 2315/0915 - nothing in between.

Hung again this morning, lost all overnight data from WMR200. . . And, since my first post on this topic, it has only shown overnight data correctly twice.

I think I can safely say that, in the four months I’ve been using WD, startup has not behaved the same two days running.

Maybe a slight exaggeration, but you get the idea. It’s very, very frustrating.

I have not had the spare time to look into this more
(by the time I answer forum posts, answer emails, etc, there is very little time left (and this particular problem takes alot of time to test)
you can use the saved wmr200history.txt file on restart, to load in that saved missed data, after a fail
so you do not loose the data
also are you able to leave WD running during the night?
build 81 you should find will work OK for the wmr200 history data

Thanks, Brian. I appreciate the fact that you’re a busy man, and appreciate the help you’ve already given me elsewhere, but I would like to understand why the program exhibits such variable behaviour with my WMR200! Thinking hard about leaving the computer on 24/7. . .

Can’t use the wmr200history.txt file after a fail because it’s immediately overwritten by WD getting the last few minutes’ data from fail/shutdown to restart.

just running a test here…
its getting lots of data…and restarting OK when that data feed stops
so far its done about 5 restarts with no problem
I will leave it running…and see how it goes

what speed pc and how much memory?

3.4 GHz, 8 GB

it looks like the problem is that WD is not releasing the HID USB port when it runs the wmr200 data reader program
(if you exit WD then run the wmr100.exe, then that program gets the data OK)
trying to come up with a fix

That would account for it. . . I was beginning to think it was me/my settings!

Is it because I use an extra sensor for temp/hum?

OK, I have a solution, in build 319 .zip update,ready now
what happens now is that when WD detects there is no more history data, and so will start up the separate wmr200 data reader, it then restarts in a mode where it will not start up
with the history window (for that one time) and so the separate wmr200 data reader program can launch OK and can connect OK to the USB port (because that is not locked out by the history window)

Build 319 worked fine this morning, thanks, with only two restarts for 10 hours’ history data logged every 2 minutes. I’ll go back to 1 minute logging and see how I get on tomorrow.

I notice that the remote sensor temp/hum now appears in live data, too!

But what happened to the nice blue border around the WD window? It’s gone very pale. . .

re the last question, I think you are refering to the windows 10 style
if you set WD to start minimised that will show
(I could make option for it to show if you set to start otherwise…but you then loose the newly added hide in system tray button)

Worked fine again this morning! Fingers crossed. . .

Re border: all my Windows 10 windows have the same blue title bar, and so did WD up to now. WD build 319 is the exception. (I’m not at all bothered by it, though!)

Well, it didn’t hang this morning but it ignored all the WMR200 history data again.

How do you use the wmr200history.txt file?

re the border
I have added an option to have that to the setup , advanced/misc setup
(restart WD)

re your last test:
really need allot more detail
just saying it did not work really actually tells me very little

Re border: thanks, I’ll check that out.

Re WMR200 history: sorry. WD read all the history data, restarted twice (I think), but did not update the graphs or the “last 24 hours” info for WDL. As I said, it didn’t hang and the data gatherer took over OK.

The last wmr200history.txt file was saved on 3 March.