WD failed to read data from logger on startup

I just started WD this morning when I started up my PC. It opened the little window saying it was going to read the archived records from the logger but it read nothing and the window closed. So this time it read nothing from overnight into WD. I closed down WD and ran Weatherlink to see if there was any data there in the logger and WL had no problem downloading all the data from overnight - it was all there!

I double checked the flag in setup, control panel, datalogger setup to make sure it is ticked to load data at start up and it was ticked. I am running 10.20t BTW.

I just did a test and stopped WD for about 3 minutes, and started it up again and it read the missing 3 minutes of data from the logger just fine. So it seems strange that it refused to read anything from overnight but that is what happened.

the thing to check , is what it says it is doing
i.e, it will say, extracting data from (date) (time)
is that info correct
you can then force wd to try again:
exit wd
then open the wdisplay.ini file
from c:\windows or c:\winnt
then search for:
[Davis download]
then check and or reset/change the times there, which is when wd was last running

then save that wdisplay.ini file again
then restart wd

Well when I started it this morning it did not say anything about downloading any data. The popup window just appeared and disappeared without doing any processing it had nothing about extracting data from (date) (time) etc at all!

I just tried your suggestion about editing the .ini file and WD then started up and downloaded all the data from the logger OK.

What I will do is save a copy of the wdisplay.ini file each night when I shutdown the PC, that way I can tell what it thinks it needs to do if I get the problem again. I’ll also save a copy prior to any full upgrade I do since the other day I had exactly this problem but it was after an upgrade from the full download and before starting WD for the first time that day!

in a new 10.20v
which has a new wdmysql.exe
the mysql data base is now updated with the missing exracted data

i have only tested for short periods, but it worked OK for me

(and now wunderground also updates with missing data too (from say a davis vp or rainswise, etc) via vers 7.50 of the ftpupd.exe)

Hi Brian, when you said it might take a while I never thought you’d be this quick!! Thanks a bunch…

Anyway we do have a couple of small problems:

  1. Because of the problem I had with it not reading the archive I saved a copy of WDISPLAY.INI from C:\Winnt prior to installing 10.20v. Installed this version and checked the contents of WDISPLAY.INI, however this file had been deleted by the install of the full program! So had I allowed WD to start it would not have read the archive data at all!

  2. Having copied back my old WDISPLAY.INI I started WD and it did indeed download the archive data and store it in MySQL BUT I shut down on the 30th before midnight so it should have added records with a date of 30th up to midnight and then changed to todays date, but it did not it stored records from the 30th with a date of the 31st! So I now have records dated and timed at 31st 23:00:00 when it is only 08:27am on 31st!

3: Viewmysql seems to work fine, but can you please not display the password in clear text on the screen! Not very secure!

Update at 18:00:00 today UK time
Just to say that WD and wdmysql have been running OK all day today with no hangups etc. It has been OK at reading and updating thMySQL directly when WD is restarted (my PC crashed today so I had to reboot!).

Because of the end of year problem I installed 10.20x which seems not to contain the fixes for thsi problem as when I started up this morning nothing has been written to MySQL. I edited wdisplay.ini and tried again but same thing - no additions to MySQL. Can you add back the fixes for this please?

I’ve just gone back to10.20v and it has uploaded the data to mysql fine.

i have not taken out the fixes in 10.20x
not sure what you mean or what is wrong

Installed this version and checked the contents of WDISPLAY.INI, however this file had been deleted by the install of the full program!

that should not be happening at all
and no one else reports that
the settings file is stored under c:\windows or c:\winnt
and the installer does not touch that file

Well all I can say was that this morning I turned my PC on at about 08:15 and it downloaded all the archive stuff from last night but nothing was added to mysql. So I edited the .ini file and reset the Davis download time ran 10.20x again - and still nothing. So I went back to 10.20v reset the download time and started up WD and all the stuff got added to MySQL again.

I will re-installed 10.20x and see what happens. I’ll let you know…

As to the deleting of wdisplay.ini, all I can say is that this is not the first time this has happened, although this does not always happen. Suppose it could be something strange with W2K. Again I’ll watch out for it and let you know.

with the mysql
you need to stop running that program
and start it up after wd has finished getting the missed data
i will do a test here
maybe i have changed something that stops it…

works fine here
(make sure wdmysql is not running , start it up after wd starts up or at least restart it)

Well I have done a whole load more testing this morning. I made sure I followed you instructions about the order and timing of startup of programs.

Firstly in every case I tested WD read the archive correctly from the logger and appeared to process the data OK. However the first time I did it running 10.20x it only managed to add about 1.5hours worth of data to mysql. Ran it again having reset the download time to where the missing data in mysql was. Again only some of the data was added to mysql. Decided to try again with an empty table in the database, same thing happened only some of the data got added. Went back to 10.20v and tried again, this time even 10.20v did not manage to add all the data to mysql although it did seem to add more than 10.20x managed. This is the first time I had noticed that 10.20v had a problem as well.

I am beginning to think that this may be to do with the amount of data being processed and passed to wdmysql which maybe cannot keep up? There is usually at least 7+hours worth of data to catch up with from overnight.

My PC should be fast enough it is an AMD 3000 Barton with 1GB memory running W2K. MySQL is running on this machine as well as WD and wdmysql there are a few background tasks running but they use very little in resources.

Update at 12:14 today. Just noticed that wdmysql has been writing the same record to mysql every minute since 09:54 today. So this problem has not been fixed. Stopped and started wdmysql and it started writing the correct data to mysql.

Brian the loading of MySQL from the archive is not working properly here.

Last night I shutdown my pc before midnight. On startup this morning the missing few records leading up to midnight were stored in MySQL but with todays date and not the date when the records were actually created ie 02/01/2005.

While WD was starting up the small window showing the progress of reading the archive progressed normally showing WD reading all the records from the correct shutdown time and date, and then taking its time to process them.

and another strange thing…

Just stopped WD and wdmysql for a couple of minutes to do something. When I restarted it instead of getting the missing couple of minutes loaded up into mysql I got the 5 or 6 records from the archive for 23:54 onwards dated for 3rd Jan which appeared this morning after downloading the archive and should have been dated yesterday 2nd Jan.

Brian same thing this morning, I shutdown last night at 23:05 and this morning all the archive stuff from 23:06 to 23:59 shows up in mysql with todays date. For now I am moving it manually to the correct date but would appreciate it if you can fix it.

So far I’ve not had any more problems with the archive not loading into mysql but will watch it carefully over the next few days.

Just to confirm tonight as well the same thing happened. Stopped WD and wdmysql, started WD and wdmysql after a couple of minutes and all the records from last night up to midnight re-appeared in mysql with todays date again. I had already moved them to the correct date this morning when they appeared after the archive download so this time I just deleted them, but there is defintely a bug there somewhere!

I am not using mysql but I am having similar datalogger problems. Happened with last few versions. Not sure what has changed if anything, but I am a bit relieved to see that the curse is not just me.

Brian I’ve been doing some more digging on this issue. It is a real pain having to change the date on all the records before midnight, or delete them if I stop & start wd & wdmysql.

Anyway having looked at the data in misseddata.txt I can see that the hours minutes and seconds values and the date string are all correct for all the records including those from before midnight, the station name string is BroastairsWeather-08:33:14 for the first records which is correct as this was when I started up today. It looks to me as though wdmysql looks for this file and processes all the records in it but it assumes the correct date to be added when writing to MySQL is todays date and not the date string in the record from this file. This would also explain, I think, why it adds the records again if I restart. Should I delete misseddata.txt prior to any restart to prevent reloading the records, at least until you get it sorted?

I think now I understand the way this seems to work it explains why I thought records were missing. It takes some time for wdmysql to add all the records from misseddata.txt and I was browsing MySQL before wdmysql had finished writing these records. So I think my earlier comments about not writing all the data were wrong.

ah ha
yes, the time and date are correct in the misseddata.txt
but, wdmysql is not using that time field from there, but instead the current time, just now looking at the code
fixing now, so that it uses the date and time from the file misseddata.txt (and that file should get rewritten by wd start up (i.e dont start wdmysql.exe until after wd has finished all the processing of the data

good news
tested and fixed
in a new 3.8 vrs wdmysql, in a new 10.21e, uploading now
i.,e it uses the actual logged time and date data from the misseddata.txt file :slight_smile:

will be ready in an hour to download

Brian all the data does eventually show up in MySQL correctly now.

I say eventually because it seems that to start with only some appears when I do a query of the data base, this monring all the data from the previous day was ther and then for today up to around 0115 was there OK. I left it for some 15 minutes but the rest did not show. So I stopped and restarted wdmysql and with a minute or so all the missing data showed up just fine!

Now I dont know if it is a problem of the time I start wdmysql or if there is buffered output which is not getting written or what. This only seems to happen with a large archive to load, which will always happen to me as I shutdown overnight usulally from around 10.30pm to 08.00am.

I know you are away for a few days so I’ll watch this over the next week and do some more testing and update again when you are back.