WD download

I have finally downloaded latest version of WD and have run into problems.

When installing I get the following message:
an error has occurred while trying to replace the existing file.
File access denied.

Should I be overwritting the old version?

System.- Compaq Presario
Windows XP

Now not working!!!

Can anyone help, I am assuming its finger trouble since I’m particularly computer literate.


weatherD.exe is the main file, you can either do a re-boot or look in your system info for the weather display process. In my case the process was still running in the back ground and was not killed, after a reboot it worked ok.

Reboot is the quickest, make sure wd is not automatically starting when reboot.

Install. and bob is your uncle (or aunt for that matter, you simple do not know for sure anymore these days.)


You must shutdown WD when installing a new version. It will just overwrite files but keep all of your settings. You may also want to shutdown the any WD ftp and webcam if using those. Here’s a link to a FAQ explaining…How to update Weather Display for Windows to a new version


IT farmer beat me to it.


I thought I had closed WD down, I have rebooted but made no difference, I will go through
the Task Manager see if anything related to WD is running


I sometimes find it difficult to find all associated activities in the taskmanager.
Make sure that you haven’t ticked to restart when windows starts.(see pic)
On occasions I have shut down my pc and restarted rather than using restart. Don’t ask me why, but it worked :wink:

I cant run WD, when I click on the WD icon it runs the installation.

I was wondering wether I should try and manually delete the offending file (weatherD.exe) so that
it should not have to replace it???.

Maybe that would make even more trouble.

Is it possible to install a new version in a different folder, once that is working copy the old data across?


It sounds like you down loaded the installation file to the desktop and are launching it each time. Yes? No? Try opening the WD folder and double click on weatherD.exe. If that doesn’t work there is a way to do a complete reinstall with new settings but it would be much better to make this work.

FAQ for a second install is here…Installing multiple instances of WD on your computer


I have got the WD in a desktop folder and have managed to run the old version 10.26 again.

Great, thanks for your help, now, why wont the installation work if its in a desktop folder?

If it wont work there do I need to make a complete new installation or is there a way of overcoming this problem?

If I succeed in installing the latest version I will try for the next step and install WD live, that is if I can get BT
to give me the information I need, now that is areal challenge!!


How do you start WD? Do you have a folder or a shortcut on your desktop? I never put anything on the desktop so may need help from others. A folder holds all the files for WD, a shortcut would point to the weatherD.exe file which starts WD.

An install of WD would overwrite the files in that folder. Did you download wdisplay32.exe and then double click on it? It should start and all you have to do is keep clicking on ‘Next’, ‘Yes’, and ‘Install’ until it launches WD. If you are running it from a shortcut it should always launch the installed version.


its not recommended to download anything to the desktop, and even less recommended to actualy then try to run things from a folder on the desktop
simply select another folder to download things to

Ok Guys,

I appear to have broken a few rules, thanks for the advice.

I will attemp to update to a new version next weekend, it takes me at least that time to do what you
do in a nanosecond, hardware is so much easier!


they are just windows useage guidlines
not my rules

Wow, I do that all the time :oops:

well, thats what i understand
as otherwise you risk a whole bunch of files on your desktop if you expend/extract something there and that will create a big mess!

I keep WD folder on C Drive, but use DAP for downloads of new versions to my desktop. Once installation is complete the .exe file is renamed with the current version number and sent to a folder of WD setup files in documents. This clears the desktop (also gives me a setup exe if I want to go back to an earlier version)

Oh, I see what you mean, I don’t install things to the desktop but I do download and install from the desktop, especially if it’s something I just want to try. Most installers choose their own directory but I do see the jeopardy there now you mention it.

For WD updates I change the name to include the version when I download and save directly in wdisplay\downloads, then I execute from there to install.


Transferred WD out of desktop and loaded latest version without a problem.

Thanks for your help.
