WD at LAN sites

I’ve set up WD using the client/server option so I can view WD at a computer where the weather station is not connected. Do I need to purchase another license for the second computer on the LAN? Also, the client is only updating every minute, eventhough I un-checked the update every minute box. Is it possible to get it to update more often?

no, the client version should run for free

are you using the client raw file or the tcp ?

try restarting the version connected to the weather station and see if that gets it updating faster

The Produce the clientraw.txt file box is checked.

On the client computer I have loaded WD v10.14c and have client enabled in the setup. Should I be using the client viewer instead?

but you want get the graphs/logs with the clientviewer :wink:

on the server, make sure you have ticked, produce the clientraw.txt file , in the client/server setup, and you have the server switch ON, the main switch on that page, and you also have the main internet switch on under connections

worse comes to worse,. tick to create the clientraw.txt file (which is created in the webfiles folder), in the setup, control panel, webfiles/webpage, real time ftp setup
(but then tick, no ftp needed, i am running a server)