WD and NextStorm Integration

I’m unable to get WD to use NextStorm’s data. I’ve searched for and read every related post on this board without an answer to this basic question: where does this data come together? In what directory does WD expect to find NextStorm’s data?

My lightning detector is on a dedicated computer in my loft and it copies the following files to the directory of my choosing on my weather computer/web server:

This directory is currently the root directory of my webserver, /www where I host my webpage, and it also contains my clientraw*.txt files. Obviously this drectory can be reached at http://www.gwwilk.com which hosts my primitive weather site. My WD web page is currently under development and not linked into the main site. These files are in a /WeatherDisplay subdirectory with an index file ‘weatherdisplay.htm’ which doesn’t contain my clientraw.txt file or a copy of same.

While composing this post I decided to direct all the NextStorm downloads and my clientraw*.txt files into the /WeatherDisplay subdirectory, but this didn’t help. No lightning data shows up either way. The file arrangement is now back to the setup described in the above paragraph.

What am I missing here?

Is NextStorm and WD on the same computer?

Not sure if it’s still good but there is a FAQ for this.

The FAQ still looks good, but Dan has the right idea. WD and NexStorm have to be running on the same computer because WD reads the NexStorm IPC which is an area in memory in order to obtain the data. No files involved.

  • Jim

Yep, I second that. Both need to run on same computer.

How does this data get used by WDL?

WD reformats the nexstorm txt files and sends them on to WDL.


If you have data on another computer, there is still the possibility to upload a nexstorm screenshot and configure WDL as for Lightning 2000


Thanks for all of the replies, guys. This confirms my suspicions that the WD-NextStorm integration isn’t possible if the two programs reside on different computers. When I first installed my Boltek it was on my weather computer here on the lower level of my townhome, but the 80’ cat5 cable run to the antenna in the loft wasn’t working so I installed a computer in the loft and converted the cat5 cable to be part of my LAN instead. The lightning map is currently available on a primitive web page at http://www.gwwilk.com/lightning.htm but I wanted to see how the data looks when integrated into WD.

Perhaps I can modify things when VirtualVP can serve over TCPIP, which I understand is currently in beta. Then I could move WD to the loft computer so NextStorm and WD could join hands.

I fiddled with this again and first discovered that I would need another WD license on my loft computer, which is currently my oldest one and probably soon to die. I’ve instead put WD on a clone of my original weather computer and created a new WD Saratoga-Wx AJAX/PHP based website served commercially, http://www.gwwilkins.org/wxnexstormpage.php. I just upload the map Nexstorm creates every minute. It’ll have to do for now.

You could have a look at NSLog and NSDisplay for your Boltek.
NSLog will collect all the text & graphics needed and FTP them to your website and NSDisplay will put them on a web page.

It’s another option for you to look at. :wink:

Many Thanks, Budgie. That looks like the ticket! :smiley: