The WD process on main PC shows all of the variables being monitored. But, from another PC (multicast seems to be working OK) the Client Viewer attemps to display Indoor Temp and Indoor Humidity. Where should I start looking?
The WD process on main PC shows all of the variables being monitored. But, from another PC (multicast seems to be working OK) the Client Viewer attemps to display Indoor Temp and Indoor Humidity. Where should I start looking?
Start looking at this thread which addresses the same question.
I am trying to remote view with the “free client viewer” not another copy of WD. I will also want several computers looking at the multicast data. Did I miss something in the thread you suggested?
Hope, my mistake :oops:
i am not clear on what the problem is…
is the client viewer not showing the current data?
or is showing indoor temp/hum when you dont want it to, or?
There’s a checkbox:
Niko / Brian
I do not have the sensors on the station. The check boxes (both) as shown in the gif are unchecked. The client viewer shows the indoor gauges.
ok, so the problem is you do not want to see the indoor temp/hum dials if you do not have that setting ticked, in the free clientviewer?
(that setting is just to be able to use that data)
You are correct. There is no indoor data anywhere in either computer. So, I didn’t understand why with no checkmark to send (even erroneous data) the data why Indoor Temp and Indoor Humidity showed up in the free client viewer.
the setting was more for wd set as client mode, and not so much for the client viewer
when i get some spare time I will look at making those instruments invisible for you