WD 3.8 Runs Once, But Not Again

I’ve come back to Linux after a long absence, and I can once again use my registered WD. I downloaded and installed version 3.8 and edited the script so that it would run where I wanted it (/opt/wdisplay). It ran fine until I booted back to Windows for a while and then came back to Linux. Now when I run WD, I get this error:
PC1:/opt/wdisplay# ./GoWeather.sh
WeatherD: cannot connect to X server

Can you provide some help?


you need to be running a X windows graphical interface
I have been looking at developing a simple console command line version, to just output say the clientraw.txt file…

Oops! I forgot that no everyone runs X! I’m running KDE 3.3 in X completely. I do terminal stuff, but always in terminal windows.

I tried again after a reboot, and now it will start if I execute GoWeather.sh from a terminal window. However, if I execute it from the KDE menu, it won’t start. Any ideas about that?


there are some threads on how to create a “desktop short cut” for the linux version on this linux forum, check those out
(by Jeep)

I have a way too… mine takes a little longer :oops:

does all the above mean that I cannot run this application from a remote server with no X installed at all?



yes… i am not sure if a vnc would work