WD 10.20o onward crashing

10.20o was working fine up until 6pm and now it crashes every 15 minutes when doing internet update etc.

The only thing I did today was to install 3 windows updates from Microsoft - that was around noon, so I don’t think they are the cause or WD would not have run ok for 6 hours!

I have rebooted and even downloaded 10.20q but it still crashes - latest one reported a problem with kernel32.dll when it crashed at 18:30

What could have happened at 6pm to cause this???

I am trying 10.19o again to see if this crashes at 18:45 and make a note of the details and see if anything appears in the program error log.

any advice?

I have to go out so it may mean turning internet updates off for the evening to see if WD continues to run - or not have WD running which would not be ideal.

The exact same thing is happening here. My ISP FTP update is taking 5-7 minutes and I believe this is causing a problem in WD and causing the latest version to crash.

10.19o did not crash so leaving this running while I am out.
Will try 10.20o/q again when I get home.

I only downloaded the zip .exe for 10.20o and q - have you changed anything to warrant a full download Brian??


well I think my FTP is taking the normal time - WD reports the crash and that it needs to close before the FTP starts (which continues to run ok incidentally). It seemed to crash around the point where the conditions icon vanishes briefly.

As I say I will let 10.19o run for now. 7pm update was ok .

try 10.20q
as it might have been a problem i introduced with the custom screen image creation routine?

greg, if you have internet connection trouble, and are using the noaa warning new thingy, then maybe that is the cause of the crash…but is should not crash, it just should report an errror in the program error log

I think it all results from the fact that the uploading to my ISP can sometimes take as much as 10-15 minutes to connect. I have temporarily shut that off to see if that helps. My normal FTPs to all other places only take a few seconds.

yes I did try 10.20q - that crashed with the error in kernel32.dll

off out now

humm, 10.20q does not seem to be on the download page
try here

thanks Brian,
did a full install of 10.20q and 11pm update had passed without a crash.



WD 10.20q also is crashing on me every 5 minutes during the FTP upload. I tried downloading the setup.exe file as mentioned earlier and the program continues to crash with the fresh install. I was having a similar issue with 10.20o on a less frequesnt basis. It seems that something is interfering with the upload on the FTP side. I hope this can be figured out as I am unable to keep the software running on my PC for more than five minutes without having it crash. Plese let me know what I need to do.


do you have the new noaa warning in use and set to 5 minute updating?
it might be that?

No I don’t have the NOAA Warning set to update. I have been having problems with the last three versions of the 10.20 releases. At first the crashing of the program was random, but seemed to occur at each FTP update session. It is now occuring every 5 minutes when the FTP process is started. It seems weird why it has all of a sudden started as I have had no problems with previous versions 10.19 and earlier of Weather Display. Any assitance you can provide would be much appreciated.

My System is: Windows XP Home, SP2 P4 2.4 Ghz with 512 RAM.


maybe try running the latest beta debug version, to see if that generates a error report (the euraka log,then click on more details)
but, also, try turning off any internet updating that is every 5 minutes, and see if you can pin point which routine it is

also randy, maybe check that its not a firewall issue?
try shutting down any firewalls , as a test


Sorry to continue to bother you with this issue. I have tried all of the things you suggested including, turning off all firewalls, virus software, add ware blockers etc. I performed a full system scan for viruses without finding anything. The program stayed on almost all night last night even with the FTP set to update at 5 minute intervals. It however crashed at around 4:30 am with no errors. I also tried turning off the main internet switch for awhile when it was crashing every 5 minutes yesterday morning 12/22/04. This seemed to help as the program remained stable without the FTP updates. The only things I had set to upload at 5 minute intervals is the web cam, so I tried changing that to 15 minute intervals. Is there anything else that you think could be causing this problem? I am frustrated as I have tried downloading all of the most recent versions of Weather Display to fix the problem but it still seems to pop up. I appreciate all of your help so far.


Brian is away for Christmas now I think Ryan,

have you an older version of the program that you know runs stable that you can run in the meantime?

For instance if my 10.20q crashes again I will go back to 10.19o until such time that the crashes can be ironed out.

I don’t have an older version to install over the 10.20q. I made the mistake of not saving downloads to my hardrive of the earlier versions. It appears that I had the download manager overwrite them. WD is now running okay this morning, but I have yet to pinpoint why it is crashing. It seems to crash at such random times. Have you had similar issues with WD crashing during FTP uploads? I will wait until Brian comes back from his Christmas vacation. Hopefully it is an easy fix, and until now I will just live with it. Thanks for the help.


HI Ryan,
I got home tonight and I found FTPUPD.exe had crashed, as well as the TrueVector Component of ZoneAlarm so nothing was happening internet wise, although WD was still running fine.
I had problems of WD crashing before it got to the FTP upload - something to do with custom screens - that was 10.20o.
Another instance of FTPUPD was waiting so restarted TrueVector and all is well again now.

If you need an earlier version of WD - I have 10.19o here then let me know and I will put it on my webspace for you to download. I keep the last few versions just in case. I just copy and paste the current version (adding version number to it) into an “oldprogs” folder before downloading a new version.



Thanks for the offer and advice. I believe that 10.20o also was failing at times on me. I will stick with 10.20q for now. The program just closed out on me after functioning flawlesly for 8 hours. My biggest frustration is losing hours of data because the program closes during the early morning hours or when I am not at home. Once again I preciate your help and have a Merry Christmas.


One additional thing I forgot to add is this error message found in the FTP log file : Error Disconnected: [10053] Software caused connection abort with FTP transfer. I don’t know what this is refering to, but it could be a possible reason for why the program is shutting down.
