I think I understand the functionality of the Watchdog in that it will re-start WD if it crashes.
My problem lately is that WD is hanging up. It is “not responding” even thought clientrawftp.exe is still chugging along uploading the same clientraw.txt file and the rest of the laptop is ok. If I kill WD, stop clientrawftp and then re-start wd (after re-initializing the usb/serial adapter by unpluggin it and re-plugging it in), WD will download from the datalogger and pick up where it left off.
Can the watchdog do this for me if WD is still “running” (it is still an active process but with no cpu)?
Note - WD hangs up like this about every few days. Always at the time it would be getting ready to upload/download on a 5 minute interval. Like currently, it died at 11:44:59 according to clientraw.txt. Lately, I have been re-claiming memory from the help screen, since I notice that it does seem to get low after a while, but I really have no clue as to why it is locking up.
i dont actualy know how to kill off a process from another program, but i guess its possible
not sure why its locking up for you
which version of wd?
Currently version 10.14a, but I am upgrading in a few minutes to 10.14i.
But it has been doing this for quite a while, at least since the end of June, whatever the current version was back then.
I is consistently during the “calculate” period that takes place just before a scheduled ftp. Like 11:45:02. That is why I was looking at memory. The cpu usage was sitting a zero, the menu bar was greyed out, and the time was frozen at the current time it locked up. No serial port activity. But the system is still up and even clientrawftp is still uploading. Snapshots are sent to microsoft for what-ever, and then I just re-start it. That is why I was looking at the “Free Memory”. Total on the pc is 266.318, but after a while the free memory is around 66mb or less. If I Free it, I get back up to around 188 free, but it starts to drop slowly after that. Probably nothing unusual.
Very little else is running on this laptop. IBM Smartdefender is a hard drive monitor and Norton AV 2004. This machine is dedicated to WD, since the display cracked and I am using an external monitor. Has built-in ups this way. 
Not much else I can supply as far as information. If I notice anything, Ill let you know. If there is anything I can do to help figure out what may be causing it, let me know. Otherwise, don’t worry about it. I guess I could just re-start it daily and see it that makes it ok. I was just trying to see how long it would run non-stop.
alot of that free memory report is a certain type of memory, but is not really a true indication of real memory used up
if you have windows 2000 or XP, bring up task manager (ctrl al del all at once on the keyboard), and then with the processes tab, you can keep an eye on the memory use of weatherd.exe
and other applications…
I used to have a lot of problems with WD regularly crashing, my
PC regularly crashing, etc. This also went on regardless of what
WD version was being used. Then I read a thread on this forum
about programs that you can get to automatically free up memory
and installed the freeware Rambooster program (search this forum
for “rambooster” and you’ll find the thread). Since then I’ve had
very few crashes.
Hope this helps,
i dont actualy know how to kill off a process from another program, but i guess its possible
Can be done quite easily with a small vbs file. Here's a script which runs through all running processes looking for Notepad. It would kill notepad if it got above 200MB -
Dim meg As Long, maxsize As Long
meg = 1000000
maxsize = 200 * meg
Dim myProcesses() As Process
Dim myProcess As Process
myProcesses = Process.GetProcesses
For Each myProcess In myProcesses
If myProcess.ProcessName = “Notepad” And myProcess.PrivateMemorySize > (maxsize) Then
End If