Warning to ALL PurpleAir users

My current PurpleAir API-key which starts with “62F1F60C-C16B” is used by a decent number of users since we switched to using the API key some months ago.

PurpleAir mailed me today

Your PurpleAir API account has come up for review and we would like to turn on billing
Your PurpleAir API account will be migrated to the points-based billing system on October 31st
This email provides an opportunity to start a conversation with us about optimizing your points consumption prior to this change. In addition to a face-to-face meeting to discuss the details of this change and what options are available to you, more information about optimizing your points consumption can be found here: API Use Guidelines - API - PurpleAir Community.

As I do not know which users are using ‘my’ key "62F1F60C-C16B . . . " I can not warn them that at October 31 their PurpleAir scripts will cease to work

Please make sure that you request ASAP a correct key as described in this topic.
Make sure you test that key before October 31.

Also make sure that you, temporarily, insert your own key in the start-lines of PWS_load_files.php.

I have to adept the PWS_easyweathersetup (add PA-api-key) , PWS_settings (cache-time) and the PWS_load_files (remove PA-api-key) scripts to hide the new valuable API-key.

Adapted scripts posted in this topic .

After the scripts are updated and installed on your sites, I think it is wise to regenerate your purple-air API keys and insert the new keys using PWS_easyweathersetup.


10 posts were split to a new topic: Testing “paid API” for PurpleAir sensors

If you not agree with the paid for API, you could sent a mail to PurpleAir also.
Attached the past days mails with them.
Re API Update kopie.pdf.zip (417.2 KB)
The screenshot of my last nswer

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The good news:

Customer service answered just now: :slightly_smiling_face:

We are working on an automated solution to grant unlimited access to purchased sensors. We agree that access should be free.

Also they wrote that there is a key registred on my name/device which starts with 630545A7
That is not a key I use myself. And certainly not with a usage 1 to 2 million points each day.
I asked them to block that key if it is registered on my name.

Now the problem with the API-key which starts with 62F1F60C-C16B
That key was introduced on line 5 of PWS_load_files.php when the API-key became necessary.

A lot of users forgot to request their own key and simply used the script PWS_load_files.php without inserting their own key.
The last weeks, when a newer version of the script did not work, users rolled back to the old version and then it worked again.
Probably because the new versions only have invalid keys, the first test versions had that correct developer key.

Check which key you are using.


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That is good news :smile:

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bump as it is important info

So I just ran out of points for my sensor. On Friday (March 22nd) I sent an email to customer support on this. Will see if I get any additional points.


I’m going to run out in 14 days, so I too just emailed customer support asking them to reload points for me. We shall see…

Same here
Ran out of points March 15th.
Waited a few days as they promised in the past to add points automatically themselves.
Mailed on March 18th and they answered on March 21.

We’re currently working on an automated system to provide points to sensor owners for data their sensors report. Further information is in our API Points for Sensor Owners article. We’ve turned off billing for your keys, and it won’t be turned back on until the automated system is in place.

Please let us know if you have any questions or if we can further assist.

They already promised to get an automated system on October 12, 2023
But that is not in place according their last answer.

They added points the next day and the script is working again.


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Received 1 million new points - they are still working on the automated system but pleased I do not have to pay.


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I received a reply from PurpleAir 3 days ago in which they said “We’ve turned off billing for your API read key so you can continue querying data without worrying about points. We’ll let you know once our automated system is in place before turning billing back on for your keys.”

As of today, I am down to 26,159 points left that will expire in about 9 days…