VVP acting strangely

I have been running VVP for a year with no problems and suddenly I have a problem. I have a VP2 with serial data logger on com6, VVP feeds Weather Link and Weather display on TCPIP ports 5511 and 5512, all was well until this week. WD still works fine but WL fails after 30mins to download any data. Occasionally I get a message saying too many sockets open. I have no idea what has happened. Does anyone know what might be the cause?


I have never had this problem with VVP however I dont run it using TCP/IP I run using virtual com ports for stuff on the same PC. However I have had some problems occasionally with TCP/IP connectivity which I think cold be related to too many sockets so I think M$ may have some issues in this area. Is it possible for you to run virtual com ports instead as mine has been rock solid for years like that.


I couldn’t get com ports to work which is why I had to use TCP. If I use input com 6 and outputs com 16 and 17 the Weather software says comports don’t exist, so I gave up in the end.

I’ll have another go.

Just tried again and says com ports do not exist?

You have to use a Virtual Com port driver and not running W7 I have no idea which one(s) might work. VVP itself does not contain the required drivers.


The Weather box uses XP and I’m using N8VBvCom Driver. Maybe I ought to try a different driver.

Is VVP set to use the comm port where N8VBvCom is? It’s been a long time since I set that up and I don’t remember how I determined the port (2 for me), but it might be something to check.

  • Jim

Really messed it up now :frowning:

I installed another Vcomport driver and now there are no recognisable com ports at all. So I can’t even run WD or WL in solo mode now.

Phew, did system restore but back to square one

Ok fixed. Dispensed with VVP and replaced with VSPE, now working fine

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