Hi folks, i was wanting to try out VPlive to see what the soil temp is really sending out,
weatherlink appears to only show soil #1 unless i go to plot more on the graph but thats
not really helpful in determining a precise readout. However, i am failing miserably to to
get the VP to communicate with VPlive :?
VPlive does not go higher than 19200, so i set the console ate 14400 and VPlive at 14400
and still no go for launch, am i missing something thats poking me in the eye please?
Is it cause im using a USB version? i thought that was ok cause theres mention of USB in
the readme but, im now thinking that its referring to using a serial to USB?
Are you trying to run VPLive and WD at the same time?
If so, do you have VirtualVP installed, as that’s the only way for both softwares to get the same data at the same time from Davis?
The standard baud rate for the VP2 is 19200, so I’d stick with that.
I, i didnt think to install seen as it all connected to WL and WD straight out the box, no additional needed
evidently i was slight wrong on that one lol