Virtural VP Error in activity log.

Any ideas what this error means? does it every 2 seconds or so

16:15:14:329 PreCondition - TVirtualVp.ReceiveLoop: PreCondition 1 failed
16:15:14:344 Error - Output buffer too small for block


I have the same errors on my PC…but only when i use WD - alone or togheter with VWS , WL , Cumulus and so on…If i use any soft except WD is all fine…this happens under Wxp and W7…

I remember seeing tis when I have been testing WD with VVP but to be honest I cant remember if it was virtual com port I was using or direct TCPIP. What are you using? If its direct TCPIP I’d expect it to be a WD problem not providing a large enough buffer but I wait to be proved wrong on that! I will watch out for that when I next test it. On my live system I use a virtual com port with an old build.


is on com port…and i tried on 2 laptops and one desktop , on windows7 and windows Xp…32x and 64x…is the same all over…strange thing is that VWS , cumulus and WL are working just fine…problems start when is WD involved here…i will try an old version of WD and hope for the best…

I was using tcp/ip.

so what was your solution to get rid of these errors ?

To be honest I did not take much notice of it as it did not seem to give me a problem, at least not yet. I have other issues which have to be resolved first before I run any lengthy tests. I will certainly take more notice of this error should it happen again to see if I can spot any possible cause. Currently I dont run any other weather s/w which might have a problem either.


When I unchecked “Protect Console” the errors stopped.

ok…can you tell me what version of ALL programs are you using ?..and on what system ?

Wondows 7 Pro, WD V10.37b27, VVP V1.2.5, Pentium 4 3.0.