Just wondering what could be happening here. I am using a vaisala wxt520. I connected the sensor, and ran through the setup wizard and everything seemed to be working. I even made it as far as pushing the data to weather undergound. I’m not sure if in my digging around I may have clicked the wrong button, but now I am only getting wind data. Temp, RH and Baro are no longer working. I see the raw data coming in from my sensors looks ok, but the display is not changing. Temp is stuck at 55.4 degrees, Bar is stuck at 1013mB and Humidity is locked in at 90%. What could I have done? I am currently using the trial, but I would like to purchase the program once I know it will work for me. I attached a copy of my NMEA data message for reference.
What are the data quality and received boxes doing?
Is the received box blinking?
I can’t recall the details but I set mine up relatively easily and the 520 and 510 just chug along.
I can go take a look if it seems that all the things are checked OK in the station selection and the baud rate.
I thought it was a pretty easy setup as well, I did it yesterday in about 5 min. It was about an hour after that, when I decided to fool around and ended up messing something up. With the data coming in from the vaisala like I’ve posted above, the green light is on and the top light blinks green. The only issue is the pressure, temp and rh not updating correctly. I managed to capture a snapshot of it blinking.
I may have read your post in a bit of a haste, but did you say you had set the Vaisala to send the output stream in NEMA mode?
I think that in order for me to get my unit to work, and what I chose to do anyway, was to use the serial (not S-12) mode.
Let me go to that computer that is running WD for the Vaisalas I have running. I may not be able to post back yet today. I may have to get the WXT520 book out to see if the NEMA is close to the serial, which is the mode I chose.
for now, look under the Weather Station section in WD where you set up the station and serial port with baud and all to see if there is something you originally had figured out and selected, and got bumped somehow.
Yes, I have the sensor in NMEA mode. I was thinking that since “NMEA” was an option for the Wxt520 on WD that it would be fine, but I guess that’s not the case.
Pouvez-vous me donner plus d’information concernant votre connexion NMEA. J’ai rencontré un souci similaire il y a quelque temps et cela est revenu à la normal.
Sure, here are some screen shots of both my WD setup, as well as a screenshot from a terminal program that shows where I polled the vaisala to ask it about its current configuration. I came in this morning and everything was still the same (Winds Working but not RH TEMP or BARO).
En effet, ça me semble ok. Cela me rappelle mes soucis récurent. Avez-vous réinstallé WD à une date antérieure ? J’ai fait cela et ça bien fonctionné.
A couple thoughts, those extra screen shots confirm what little I know about settings for the Vaisala in the NEMA mode, but were what I surmised after looking at the WD setup and the Vaisala manual on the subject.
I also know that there few if any drivers that Brian (WD) furnished which did not work, and if the initial release was iffy, he worked with those trying the driver to get it to work as advertised.
I doubt he would have left an option for the interface if it wasn’t working, so NEMA should really be OK in the choice of interface.
Unfortunately, my units are up on a tower and mounted in a way that I cannot easily bring one down and attempt to reproduce your settings. Sorry that I can’t be another test bed for you. The only way I know of to switch output modes is to have the Vaisala configuration software plugged into the programming cable.
Just as a wild possibility, are you running the most recent update to WD software? And are you running concurrently another instance of WD on the same computer you are using to set this up? I have had that happen where an older version was running a station and I was configuring and testing a different station entirely and with a newer download and for some reason there was some interaction which went away when I updated all instances on that computer. Don’t ask me why it worked, I was just happy it did!
I assume you have rebooted and updated Windows to the most recent release?
I know you are seeing the NEMA stream and verified it looks correct.
Have you tried viewing what WD sees with the
VIEW option on top of the main screen, then the Diagnose icon which is the crossed screwdriver and wrench on the very bottom of that screen, near the middle? That, I think from past experience, is WD showing you what it sees coming in. I used that when I was having sub zero temperature problems with a TWI and a certain firmware version which was sending garbage when the temps were 0 to -10 and picked it up only with that feature that Brian clued me to oh so many years ago.
I’m running out of random thoughts. I’m glad you haven’t just threw your hands up and abandoned it. Interfaces and drivers will be my assignment when I get sent to the burning place and spend eternity trying to figure things out. I’m fiddling with parsing a device driver string for WeeWx right now and I am seeing double from studying the code (I don’t know Python very well), so I’m sure you’ll finally figure it out as I have learned that step by step will get you there. Dale
So… I assumed you had to go to “setup” and get the data streaming and select the com port and all of that Jazz… but I guess that isnt the case. I just restarted the program and for some reason, this time all of my information under the control panel under station type was already filled in and ready to go and all of a sudden the data started rolling in. I’m going to cross my fingers and hope that this keeps working. as you can see, i didnt select my com port or baud rate this time and I never hit connect… but its working fine now. My sensor is still outputting NMEA messages like always. Hopefully if anyone else has this issue they can follow this thread and learn from my mistakes. Thanks for the help! (Much more helpful and kind folks than I have encountered on coding forums lol )
Congratulations on figuring it out.
I’m thinking that WD saves a lot of configuration information and just reloads it when it restarts. And that’s why the old advise about re-booting to see if it fixes it still rings true.
I have a similar problem with the Campbell Scientific cronpakbus job starting to read the IP where the datalogger is. Sometimes it will work with auto start up, others not. And sometimes it will kick in and work without shutting WD down first and then doing the restart.
Drivers are still a bit of a black box to me, and bless those who know how they work and can write them.
And don’t ask about API interfaces! Dale
Super ! Parfois il ne faut pas chercher à comprendre. Disons qu’il s’agit du côté obscur de Weather Display.