I have some Vaisala stuff. Their all in one WXT stuff (where there is no snow) seems dependable, I have a 510 and 520 running.
Don’t overlook the packages and parts offered by Campbell Scientific. They provide a lot of research grade stuff to Universities and the Government. Some pieces are from RM Young, which also has a wide range of just about everything you need.
I have a Vaisala and Young barometric sensor and were easy to interface to the Campbell datalogger. An Apollo barometric pressure sensor I got on the cheap works just as well when I track on against the other and are like $100 brand new from Apollo.
I prefer RM Young wind monitors for durability and standards. They aren’t the anemometer but wind vane type, but you can easily find them. Pulse output or 4-20 ma current loop. Lots of options.
For Temperature/humidity in my mind the RM Young sensors are far and away easier to interface than the Vaisalas that I have played with, but both are tracking exceptionally close when run side by side.
Of course tipping bucket rain is a wide field, with Young, Campbell, Handar, High Sierra and the Texas Electronics gold colored anodized units frequently on eBay or if you got the cash, directly from them.
While much of the ‘ordinary’ stuff from Vaisala has their manuals online, I did find that there just wasn’t anything on their site about the more rare Present Weather Sensors or the Visual Range sensors, so I’m not sure what they are up to with that approach. Take a look at the WXT530 if you have no snow or little snow. I’ve had my (purchased used) ones up for some time and other than replacing the barometric sensor in one of them, they do quite well. Just get the bird spikes option if it doesn’t have them.
Oh, a random train of thought going on here, one of the people I saw some messages from a couple years ago had an envious system of an RM Young 92000 ResponseONE weather transmitter feeding a green lit display and then relaying those data display points on to a couple of secondary displays in his house (the 28600 Translator can simultaneously output a data string over it’s RS232 port to you data logger or weather station software such as Weather Display) in the exact string format you need, very versatile).
I can’t find the fellow’s web page for his station, but the ResponseONE worked well for him since the location has minimal or no snow. I have problems with the Vaisala WXTs, despite the built in heaters running, keeping snow off the rain sensor dome, and when it builds up there, it interferes with the wind direction/speed ultrasonic units.
Hope you get your project going and enjoy it. It can be addicting! Dale