UV Extremes Forgets

There seems to be an issue with the new UV Extremes - All Time, Month, and Year feature. If I do a Save and Exit, then restart WD, it forgets the previous UV high, time, and date and just resets them to the current value, time, and date. I noticed this yesterday after my computer locked up and I had to reboot. At that time I was chalking it up to the hang. However, I just tried a controlled exit and restart of WD and saw the same behavior again.

The new solar extremes feature that you added at the same time doesn’t do this. It works fine.

The situation is actually stranger than what I stated above. If you shut down and restart WD after dark - as I just did to install 10.21b - when WD sees the current UV value as zero, it doesn’t just set the time and date to the current value as it does during daylight hour restarts. Rather the time and date in the All Time, Monthly, and Yearly Records reset to UV=0.0 at: 00:00 on: Jan 00 00.

This shows up in the tags on my web site like this:

UV Index
Current: 0.0
High: 1.8 at 11:43 AM
Monthly High: 0.0 on 0/0/0
Yearly High: 0.0 on 0/0/0

is it just uv that is behaving this way…and not the solar?
i dont have a uv sensor my self here… :frowning:

Yes, just UV. Solar is fine.

good news
found it
i was reading it as record low uv instead of record high uv at program start up (due to copying rec rd low humidity code)
uploading a new 10.21b now

Excellent month to get the solar and UV issues nailed for me. January on the US east coast won’t be setting any records in either category :mrgreen:

UV is extreme in this country
often goes over 12
sun burn time is only 10 minutes

Just installed the update. Thanks. I’ll let you know how it goes either way tomorrow since you don’t have a UV sensor. After a few excellent January days here, tomorrow is looking dreadful. It may be a stretch to even see a UV reading of 0.1 so I can test it. May even see some snow before the day is out.

Still no UV here today and may not happen today. However, I did notice that the UV high now says 0.0 at 11:43AM. Interestingly, the high yesterday was 1.8 at 11:43AM so at least it is now remembering the time of the high, but apparently the bug that you fixed must have actually reset the stored UV value.

OK, the UV clawed it’s way up to 0.5 so I tried a WD shutdown and restart. The UV high value stayed and didn’t reset to the current value. The final acid test will be to wait until after dark and try one more time. If it holds the high after that, the you have nailed it.

It’s fixed. Thanks!