using two different weather stations with WD

yeah. I know it’s a silly thought. but I thought I’d ask anyway; silly is as silly does I guess. :?

I want to know if WD can accept info from two different weather stations at once. alternately, can I run two separate instances of WD, each accepting info from a different weather station.

reason: I’d need to locate the new davis vue in a room that is not ideal for indoor temp/humidity readings. so I thought I could use my old OSI to report indoor temp/humidity from the ideal location, and let the davis vue handle all the rest.

see, silly. but curious about this anyway… :microwave:


I don’t think it will accept data from the two stations but you could try setting the OIS console up as extra sensors and if that works.
Alternatively you could get a 1wire temp/hum sensor from Hobbyboards and use that instead.

its possible I could get WD to do this, but would be a one off thing, and would take a bit of work
using the 1 wire idea would work though (but that is not wireless)


I don’t think its silly. I have thought of the same. Im currently using a La Crosse WS2810U-IT, but with no option of having more sensors that came with the bundle. S

This might solve my needs:

That’s the other question I had. Could I run another instance of WD and set that instance up to run the sensor from the second unit, and have WD send that info to the web…