Use a PWS_Dashboard script in other PHP pages

Hi guys, it’s normal that importing the advisory_c_small.php code into another .php page, calling it with the include command, doesn’t bring the translation of what there are no warnings, instead of writing “Buona Giornata” in the pws dashboard, here appears “Havea nice day!”

How can I correct this?

Yes, that is to be expected.
It is not a standalone script but it depends on a lot of other scripts.
It should run from within the main pwsWD folder where all other scrips remain.

You could try to write your own version.
Or study the code to let it run " into another .php"


Basically you need to understand the line of the advisory_c_small.php file, from which specific address it finds the language or that part of text. or if it is nested in another file. Could you help me?

I called up the pwswd warning box via include inside the div you see on this page, in the right box, but why aren’t the model translations imported?