Urgent problems with WD <> VVP


Having a similar thread in wd-section too as don’t know where problems is, problem is this:
My sites updates has been down for days now as WD don’t want to discuss trought vvp anymore.

Setup: Serial VP2 + vvp + com0com-driver, win7 64bit. Have tested with a fresh 32 bit xp too with same results. WeatherLink and Cumulus works fine but WD gets data about 160 packets and then it stops, only way to get it to get another 160 packets its to reboot whole box. Tested with having WD directly to console and it worked fine.
Have set win7 to “Testmode” as per the instructions for vvp.

As a temporairly fix i have had to put up a Cumulus-iframe on my frontpage to just get some data out. Silly if i don’t get it to work will 4 years of data get lost if have to change software + don’t talk about the changes whats needed to the site (bigger chance is i take down the whole site)… :frowning:

All ideas are more than welcome.


Was it working before, in the same configuration? Did anything change in your setup or software versions around the time it stopped working?


No, of what i know else than possible a M$ update and yes VVP and WD has worked like a train until now. The whole thing started some weeks ago when WD satrted flatline after x days of running, then the time it runs ok has been shorter and shorter until now when it get just about 160 packets before stopping.

Tryed with both a fresh 32 bit XP and a 64 bit 7 with same results, it just not wanted to work.

I have dumped VVP for now and feed WD directly, maybe will do a new try later as i have tryed all possible configurations what i can figure out in VVP, also with “VP IP” trought ip-adress and that did same thing after about 700 packets.
