uploading a satellite image

if you could email me your settings file
then I will test here
with your settings
question though
what WD version are you using and what windows version?

you should delete this attachment to the forum
I did say to email it
it has sensitive settings that you should not be posting to a public forum

if you deleted the windows registry setting when the ftpupd.exe program was running then it would have caused that error
otherwise I am not able to duplicate an error with the settings you have provided
but they might not be up to date
(as there is no settings setup)
to get them updated, in WD , do action, back up windows registry entry now
then EMAIL me that updated databackup22022.zip file

sorry but I can’t attach a file with a private message

but I didn’t say to private message
I said to email

And a big thank you for your help, I just updated with a complete installation and everything is back to normal I can now download a satellite image.
have a good day