Marco from Italy. My English is not verry good. If anybody could answer in german or italian , I will be happy, but also answers in english are welcome!!
I have a great problem with WD Programm.
It runs all, but
- the FTP upload is starting but does not load the webfiles onto my server (it breaks everytime by finished Email agenda), but when I press the skip agenda button the upload is starting and it works.
- When the internet connection is still on, the FTP upload start and the webfiles were transmitted without problems to the server.
Which setting could be wrong? (I have also put up the time - FTP/Email Timeout).
Thanks for all helps.
1,2 GHz, WD 10.10v FTP Internet vers. 7.16 analog Modem 57.000
Time Internet connection ca. 40 - 60 sec.
[email protected]
8O Ich habe ein grosses Problem
alles funktionier ausser:
1.das FTP Upload startet aber ladet die Fils (Webfils) nicht auf meinem Server (bleibt bei Finished Email Agenda stehen). Wenn ich aber Skip Agenda Button dr
after the ftp has timed out view the ftplogfull and see if it gives you a clue ie after email agenda, you say you have increased the time out but you have not given a figure, 5 minutes is the normal figure. I have found that one place ftp likes to stall is the cwd command, double check your ftp settings for your server.
My Lists:
FTP Error Log Full LOG
list of files uploaded*
actual messages from upload session*
ERROR: ERROR_PROTOCOL_NOT_CONFIGURED at time/date 00:20:16 12.05.2004
agenda item:
Doing abort procedure/program close…
Will stay connected…
Will disconnect regardless flag is set…
FTP Error log:
No errors
FTPUPD.EXE started at 00:20:00 12/05/04
agenda items to do…
Files to upload*
Local files: C:\WDISPLAY\webfiles\noname.htm
Local files: C:\WDISPLAY\webfiles\noname.gif
Local files: C:\WDISPLAY\webfiles\summary.gif
Local files: C:\WDISPLAY\webfiles\curr24hourgraph.gif
Local files: C:\WDISPLAY\webfiles\curr48hourgraph.gif
Local files: C:\WDISPLAY\webfiles\curr72hourgraph.gif
Local files: C:\WDISPLAY\webfiles\forecasticon.gif
Local files: C:\WDISPLAY\webfiles\forecasticonstation.gif
Remote files: noname.htm
Remote files: noname.gif
Remote files: summary.gif
Remote files: curr24hourgraph.gif
Remote files: curr48hourgraph.gif
Remote files: curr72hourgraph.gif
Remote files: forecasticon.gif
Remote files: forecasticonstation.gif
list of files uploaded*
FTPUPD.EXE finished at 00:20:18 12.05.2004
Time taken = 0.02 minutes
Total bytes uploaded = 0 K
Total bytes uploaded for the month = 1509244 K
Program closed after 6 minutes time out
Error occured at: 00:25:48 12.05.2004
Which setting could be wrong?
for normal dial up mode uncheck i have permanent connection if it is checked in ftp setup in control panel as yours is a custom upload check ftp settings are in ftp setup as well as the custom screen, if all is ok check email time out and increase it also ftp timeout as i think you modem is disconnecting after email part of agenda if still not working suggest you email Brian