Upload main window screen shot problem

I tried to upload the main window screen shot but encountered two problems:

  1. The setting “Do not resize to default size for screen shot” is not sticky/does not work, so the graph labels on my +20% main screen are shown overlapping; and

  2. My custom graph labels are repeated in Extreme Conditions where max temp should appear.

I’m using build 120 so I might be missing changes to the screenshot routine since the new compiler?

Strange. . . the screenshot displayed above was actually uploaded as nofilenameset.gif, and five minutes later (next upload) the programerrorlog reported:

error with main screen capture gif Cannot create file "C:\wdisplay\webfiles\Swanston.gif". The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
Above error or program log occured at :14 22 02 13/05/2022

Five minutes later a properly-named Swanston.gif was uploaded. . . but it still had the same problems as the first one shown.

i have fixed that setting not being sticky
but its actually not the setting you need
what is the url to your screen shot?

https://. . .

LATER EDIT: screen shot deleted.

i would try setting the graph labels font size too smaller
re the custom tag, you must have set 2 lots to show

Why should I? The attachment shows my main screen as I have set it up, all I want is a screenshot of it to show other people. . .

because it makes the labels a bit smaller and not run into each other
that is a solution
but feel free to carry on arguing with me when I try and make suggestions to help you

In fact it’s the only solution for build 120, isn’t it :slight_smile: . . . but will it stop the custom graph labels appearing in Extreme Conditions?

but feel free to carry on arguing with me when I try and make suggestions to help you

No more “arguments”, I’ll try again when I install a later version. Thanks.

Updated my client setup from build 120 to 140 this morning (with install and zip update) and it works fine! No spurious custom graph labels in Extreme Conditions, either. Thanks, Brian :slight_smile:

(But I still don’t like the way the Sun Rise/Set label appears/disappears every other minute :frowning: )