Hi Brian,
Do you have an updated clientraw.txt description file? My wind speed on the wind graph (svg.htm) is not being displayed and I think the data in the clientraw.txt is all 0s.
Thanks, Bryce
are you using the latest version of WD, i.e past 9.96?
note, though, if you are not using the built in real time ftp, then you will need to tick in the svg/real time setup that you are using your own server, so that it will update those numbers (as otherwise they update wehn then real time ftp updates the file)
Hi Brian,
Forget the updated clientraw.txt description file. I think I have it figured out.
Before posting the question above:
I was using WD 9.96c, 2003-11-12, 02:43.
I had changed my FTP method to WD